Chapter 16

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Charvi looked around in awe as the chariot began to slow down. She swallowed her saliva when the chariot stopped and Ashwatthama practically jumped out of it and walked away briskly.

Uri and Uruvi shook their head before climbing down the chariot and helped Charvi to climb out.

The princess and her maidservants glanced around as they stood at the entrance of the Palace watching commonfolk working at the garden and a troop of soldiers nearby.

" What are you waiting for ?" Ashwatthama's voice hollered icily causing Charvi to gulp as she turned her face softly to her left seeing the man and his captain walking towards them.

" I can't go inside until I complete the ritual," Charvi said in a soft voice causing Ashwatthama to snort.

" There's no ritual because I am no king and Hastinapur doesn't acknowledge the marriage," Ashwatthama said causing Charvi to gulp as the tears began pooling under her eyes.

" You stay in this house My lord surely you must have a servant or two who can atleast prepare an aarti," Uri said causing the captain to glare at Uri while Ashwatthama looked at Charvi.

" There will be no ritual," Ashwatthama repeated his sentence as he stared at Charvi who gulped.

" But surely-" Uruvi began when a loud throat clearing sound was heard. Charvi blinked seeing Sulabha and another woman walking out of the house with Vidhur and two more men.

" Thank God you didn't simply barge in like a mindless fool," the elder man smirked widely while the other man kept quite looking out of place.

" Nana, Nani ?" Charvi said softly looking at them with tears in her eyes as she gripped her Mahadeva tightly.

Ashwatthama stood rigidly as he stared at his uncomfortable father and elated Uncle. His eyes soften slightly as he saw his mother's genuine smile as she carried the aarti tray. Sulabha swiftly wiped Charvi's eyes and smiled encouragingly while Kripi began doing the aarti for her son and his new wife.

Kripi smiled softly as she passed the tray to Uri who stepped forward and offered to take it. The elder woman stepped infront and gently caressed Ashwatthama's cheek before turning to look at Charvi.

Charvi swallowed her saliva and quickly bend down taking her blessings. Kripacharya grinned and heartily blessed their unions with a dozen children causing Ashwatthama to turn red while Charvi blushed. Dronacharya however kept mum, folding his palm into a tight fist as the girl took his blessings.

" You have you're great grandmother's eyes. Hopefully that's all you inherit from Drupad," Drona said and walked away briskly.

Charvi blinked looking confused while Ashwatthama exhaled his breath. He took blessings from his uncle and mother before walking away with his captain following him.

" Ashwa has always kept his work as his first priority but it will change soon dear. You have to be patient with him," Kripi said with a pacifying tone as she hooked her arms with Charvi and brought her inside the Palace.

" Is there no servants around here maasa ?" Charvi asked as they walked down the quiet corridor. Kripi smiled softly and shook her head.

" Ashwatthama doesn't keep servants dear. There will be wives of men working at the farm or land, who will come at certain days to clean the castle and Ashwatthama will pay their daily wages. But I will ask him to hire some," Kripi said causing Charvi to shake her head.

" No no maasa. I was just curious seeing an empty Palace that's all. There no need to hire anyone," Charvi said causing Kripi to smile softly.

" You're a princess and you have grown up in a Palace. I know how it is to grow up in a place like that and end up in a place like this," Kripi said in an assuring voice as she led Charvi up the stairs.

" Don't worry, Ashwatthama...He never thought he would have a wife...give him some time," Kripi said as she peered into Charvi's soulful eyes.

Charvi blushed and nod her head causing Kripi to smile widely. She brought Charvi inside a large room with minimal furniture.

" Take some rest bahu. It must have been a long and tiring journey," Kripi said and walked away leaving Charvi to stand in the middle of the room.

She exhaled her breath and placed her obsidian Shivalinga on the well kept bed before walking around the room, her dainty fingers tracing the wood and wall. Her eyes widened as she stepped outside to the balcony.

The scenery was captivating. Her eyes feasted on a lush and vast area of green, there were sounds of horses and farm animals while the gentle breeze played with her hair. Charvi swallowed her saliva as she saw Ashwatthama's silhouette as the man stood among others nearby a well.

She toyed with the pendant on her neck as she closed her eyes and swallowed her saliva.

Charvi took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. She opened her eyes and stared at the blue sky.

" Mahadeva, thank you for making me his patni. Watch over him please," she murmured as she kissed the pendant.

Charvi swiftly wiped her eyes and turned her back.

Outside, Ashwatthama nod at his captain and dismissed the rest. He exhaled his breath and turned his head, his eyes snapping towards his balcony watching the curtains flaring as the chilly air surrounds Northern Panchal.

He bite the inside of his cheek as he saw his father who looked grim while his uncle looked happy as the men walked outside the courtyard. Kripacharya grinned and loudly told Ashwatthama to go and bathe and try to raise a child instead of the animals much to his displeasure while Dronacharya looked stiff and confused.

" I am going to visit the practice area, you take care of the things here," Ashwatthama told his captain and walked away briskly. 

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