Chapter 38

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After arriving at the wedding venue, I take my place on the wooden seat between Nonna and Donatella. Rico hasn't arrived yet, but it doesn't stop me from doing a sweep of the cathedral in search of him.

Donna nudges my arm. "The groom's men are entering."

I glance over my left shoulder and see two men followed by Rico; I watch him walk down the aisle in the same matching three-piece tuxedo as the other groomsmen. Oh fuck, no one said he was a grooms' men. I wondered why he wasn't sitting with us. Why he wasn't in the limo? Not that I thought too much about him not riding in the limo since he drivers himself most places.

My eyes swell and my heart races as I take in his long, streaky, perfect body. Everything about him is beautiful. My gut is now all kinds of weird. The sight of him has set off a storm of excitement, leaving me blindsided by the giddy flood of happiness. I'd lick the drool from my lips except I don't because I'm wearing red gloss. I came here thinking I could contain my emotions for an afternoon. But I already know that isn't a possibility.

I'm not sure what's come over me, but it's 12 degrees outside and my insides are heating like a steaming sauna. I sit forward and slip my arm from the extravagant jacket Donatella selected for me, leaving me in the black sequence dress she also picked.

Seeing Rico confirms I am too far gone to come back from this—to be without him the rest of my life would break me.

"How do you feel seeing him again?" Donatella whispers.

I want to tell her I have so many emotions running through me right now, but I only say, "anxious."

"Aww, sweetie, are you about to cry over my brother?"

It's only then I realize my eyes are damp and I'm a mess inside. I snivel and shake my head, trying to shake my emotions back into place before I'm crying like a baby. Time away has aligned me to my feeling which penetrate the deepest part of me, right into my heart chakra. And after a month without seeing him, the emotions now hit me hard. My hand trembles because my love for him overwhelms me. "It's just good to see him?"

Rico's eyes dart around the room, like he's surveying it for any potential threats, when his gaze meets mine. Donatella gives him a wave, but he doesn't respond since his eyes have narrowed on me. His unwavering gaze surprises me. Especially when I can't read his expression since it's blanker than a piece of paper. There is nothing there. Unless, of course, I'm looking at the mask of an angry man trying to contain himself, since four hundred guests are watching him and the other three groomsmen's every move.

Rico turns away, only because he must, since he's passed our seat and continues on his way along the aisle. Seconds later, he takes his place beside the groom where he stands tall and looks extremely alpha, way more alpha than the other men beside him. His legs are parted and his arms hang in front of him, one hand clenching the other tight-fisted hand.

His gaze shoots across the top of heads, until he finds me again. I sink further into the wooden seat, hoping to hide behind the woman seated in front of me, but it doesn't work. Rico can still see me. The sudden tightness and twist of his jaw is enough to tell me he's angry. The intensity of his stare has me wondering if he even wants me here.

I stare at my red nails and peek up at him again, and sure enough, he's still glaring at me with the same overpowering stare. Fuck! What do I do? Do I leave?

Donatella leans in towards me and whispers, "Enrico can't take his eyes off you. I'm not sure if he's happy or mad, though."

"Did he know I was coming?" I whisper back.

She shrugs. "That I can't tell you."

I stand and whisper to Nonna, "I need some air."

"Oh, dear," Nonna looks up at me in surprise. "You sure you can't wait? The bride's about to arrive."

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