Chapter 3

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 I woke when the plane was landing, how did I get on the plane? Dimitri must have carried me. I look out the window and see Lissa and Christian waiting for us. I turn to Dimitri and he is looking at me.

 "Hey, are you ready for this?" He asked me. No, I am not ready for this. I didn't think I would ever be ready for this. But I couldn't tell him that. He seems so happy.

 "Ya. I think I am." I lie. Dimitri grabs my hand and we walk of the plane like that. As soon as Lissa see's me she runs up and hugs me, hard. 

 "Hey, Liss." I say, hugging her back. 

 "I missed you! How was it? How is Adrian? Eddie? Sydney? DId you have fun. I wish I could have gone." She blabbed. 

 "It was really good to see them, and I wish you could have gone too." I said to her.

 "So did anything happen while you were gone? Nothing really happened here, it's been SO boring! I really did miss you!"

 "I have something to tell you." I said, looking into her eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought.

 "Oh, you sound serious. What is it?"

 "Um... While I was Adrian's and Sydney's I found something out."

 "Don't leave me hanging! What is it?"

 "I am.. I'm... I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

 "What?" The look on her face made me burst out laughing. She looked so confused and happy at the same time, it was so funny.

 Christian and Dimitri walked over. They both were giving me funny looks. "What's so funny Roza?"

 "Look at her face! She did not expect that." I laughed.

 "Did not expect what?" Christian looked so confused, it was almost as funny as Lissa's face, I couldn't help but laugh harder. "What's going on here?"

 "Rose is pregnant." Dimitri told Christian.

 "Congratulations Rose!" Christian said as he came up and hugged me. "Wait, I thought that you were going to wait, I thought that you weren't sure if you wanted kids." He seemed confused.

 "We were going to wait, me being pregnant was not planned. We are just as surprised." I told him.

 "Well... That doesn't matter, I am still happy for you." I smiled at him and hugged him once more before I turned back to Lissa, who is still frozen.

 "Liss, are you ok? What's wrong?" She still has that look on her face. Out of nowhere, my eyes start to water up, again. "Do you not want me to have a baby? Oh, no. You hate the baby. I knew you did not want me to have a kid. I'm so sorry." I start to full on cry, scared that she doesn't accept my child.

 Lissa's face has finally changed, she is no longer frozen. "No, of course I want you to be happy and have a family. I'm just surprised. I wasn't expecting this news from you. But I am so happy for you. Now stop crying you baby. We have a nursery to start setting up!" She wipes off my tears and pulls me into a big hug, I laugh and smile.

 "I love you Liss. I couldn't do this without you." I whisper.

 "I love you too Rose." She whispers back.

 "We should be getting back." One of Lissa's other guardians said to Lissa, I looked around and realized that the sun was starting to set.

 "Brandon is right, the sun is starting to set. We need to get going." I was setting into guardian mode.

 "Oh no you do not Rose. You are pregnant, you are not going to be working until after your baby is born." I glare at her.

 "Come on Liss, I'll be ok." I informed her. 

 "No. You are not going to be guarding for a long time." I realized that there was no room for arguing she has made up her mind. I sighed and let her get in the car first. "Thank you."

 I was getting in the car when Brandon whispered, "Congratulations Rose." I smiled at him and climb in.

 Lissa was already pumped with baby talk, that is the only thing she is talking about. She hasn't said anything about anything else this whole ride. It was kind of funny. She has planned more of my child's life in a few minutes than I have in the time I have known about it.

 The thing is, she was planning the baby's life in the castle, the nursery, the clothes, the name, ect... She wasn't thinking about what would happen if people find out she is from two dhampir parents and her safety. I don't think she realizes how much danger this child could have in her life.

 I love Liss. She means the world to me. I look at her and smile. She rambles on and on about the life the baby will have in the court. Unaware of what is going to happen in my baby's future. Unaware that I have decided that I want the baby to be safe and that isn't here with us at court. I don't want to break her heart and tell her that, but she will find out soon. I just can't ruin it for her now. She can't know the baby will go off and live with Adrian and Sydney, maybe with me alongside it.

 I will not let this baby be in danger, I will do anything to save it. This baby will live a normal life, just like Declan. The baby will not be known as a dhampir and dhampir baby, it will be know as a moroi and human baby. I baby will normalish parents and a "normal" brother. This baby will have an amazing life that will not be full of scientists doing stuff to it. It will be seen as normal. All because I love it.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this update! I just want your input on the baby's name and gender. I want your input on this! Please comment your say in this! I want to hear your opinion!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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