Chapter 13

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“Can you slow down?”

I rolled my eyes. This was probably the 5th time Nate asked me that and we didn’t even walk that far yet. Pushing the next branch a bit harder, I flung it back in his face.


Smirking to myself, I picked up my pace. It was a good thing Nate was walking behind me or else he would’ve seen me smile and he’s not supposed to see me smile because I’m mad at him and usually when you’re mad at someone, smiling isn’t involved.

Nate started singing quietly to himself and I fought back the urge to tell him to shut up. Hopefully we get out of this forest soon or else I’m going to go crazy – crazier than I already am.

You’re probably wondering why we’re traveling through the forest when Nate’s ankle is “hurt”. Well, I’ll tell you. This morning I woke and the forest floor was damp and there were leaves sticking to my face and I decided that I had had enough. After looking for some more berries to fill my stomach, I woke Nate up by throwing a pinecone at him and walked away. It was pretty obvious that either he comes with me or he can stay and fix his “hurt” ankle by himself. He picked the first option. There was no talking between either of us and it turned out that Nate’s ankle wasn’t as hurt as he claimed it to be. I say he was just being a wimp the whole time. He says the ankle “magically healed” and that it was “a miracle”.

“Sarah, can you please walk slower? Just because my ankle is sorta better doesn’t mean it completely healed!” Nate whined.

I sighed and slowed down just a little.

“That’s better,” Nate said. I could just picture the smirk on his face.

“Do you even know where you’re going anyways?” he asked after a while.

“Not really,” I admitted.

“So why are we even moving?” Nate cried. “We should have just stayed where we were and let my ankle heal a bit and wait for someone to come rescue us!”

“You mean like you way you came and “rescued” me?” I said bitterly.

“That’s not the same thing,” he muttered.

“Uh yes it is,” I argued. “Either way, staying would be pointless because we didn’t move much yesterday because you—” I made air quotations with my hands “—hurt your ankle.”

Nate stopped walking. “What does my hurt ankle have to do with anything? Why do you always bring that up? It’s not my fault you got lost.”

“Oh so you mean it’s my fault for being knocked unconscious by some boys who have issues and it’s my fault that we’re lost in the forest and it’s my fault that you don’t watch where you’re going and fall and hurt your ankle?” I shouted at him. At this point I was so angry my vision was getting blurred.

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s exactly what you said.”

The anger inside me just kept escalating and escalating out of nowhere. I don’t know why I just felt so angry. Maybe from everything that’s happened, I just had enough.

“I didn’t even say that. All I said was—” Nate began.

“Oh shut up!” I yelled at him. Nate stopped talking and looked at me in shock and amazement. “You are so annoying. Has anyone ever told you that? I think they have but you just don’t listen, do you? Of course you don’t. You neverrrr listen cause you’re Nate. Amazing, all-knowing, always right, never wrong Nate.”

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