Chapter 6: Let The Games Begin

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"So let me get this straight." Gabby said as we approached our usual lunch table. "You actually skipped school to go to a skating rink with the most popular guy at this school and you didn't take me or Allie?" Allie shakes her head obviously disappointed in me for not tagging her along.

"Well it's not like I could sneak you out of class."

"Hello. We have cellphones for a reason." Allie said shining hers in my face. She was always on her  iPhone even in class; yet she never got caught.

"It doesn't matter anyway. It just proved my point that Tyler is just a big headed jerk." I rolled my eyes and started to eat my lunch.

"Well. Whether you like it or not, destiny has chosen you to take him to dance." I shivered. The thought of it made me sick. I couldn't imagine what that would be like.

Allie's mouth hung open. "That's the guy you have to take!" I realized how her mouth was clearly full of half munched macaroni. Gabby slapped her on the arm.

"You know it's very manner like to close your mouth when you eat food."

"Who cares." Allie rolling her eyes and taking more of her macaroni. "It's not like my boyfriend is here." We laugh about that for a moment and watched as she filled her mouth with macaroni, chewing in our faces.

"You're disgusting." Gabby said rolling her eyes. That's how Allie and I alike. Even though, to our shock, she had a boyfriend, she didn't care much of what people thought of her and most people loved here just the way she was. Especially us. But of course she was a tad different around boyfriend than us.

"Anyway. I was saying  minutes before I was rudely interrupted..." She glared right at Gabby. "That I can't believe that Tyler is the guy the list has chosen!"

"Yeah. How special." I said sarcastically. I looked up from table every once in a while to realize that Tyler glancing this way. What was his problem? Couldn't he go bother someone else?

"Hey, Sam." I turned to look at Allie "It's strange to stare."

"I'm not freakin staring. He keeps looking up our way!" They nod at me pretending they were convinced I wasn't lying. With that we spent practically the rest of lunch time trying to think of ways I could convince Tyler to go with me to the dance.


*Two Days Later*

 "You see what I mean, Sam." Allie whispered in my ear as we sat at the lunch table in school. "He keeps looking up at us." I didn't even have to ask who she meant. Since what happened on Monday, Tyler has kept doing that.

 "I don't care." I yelled out annoyed. "I'm not talking to him." She rolled her eyes at me and proceeded to eating her lunch. Allie was the kind of person that was so easy to talk to. Who wasn't scared of anything or anyone and loved to help people with problems. But sometimes being too helpful was a curse. I sat at lunch with my usual crowd of friends but today Danny and Allie's boyfriend, Joel, decided to join us. He rarely sat with us but when he did he would talk to Allie occasionally, but to Danny the whole time. Gabby across from me and Danny next to her. The two love birds needed to make a move already but then I would feel more and more like the odd one out of the group. Allie turned to talk to Joel on her other side; Gabby was enthusiastically in a conversation with Danny and I just sat there alone... Every once in a while I did glance up and noticed that Tyler was indeed still staring at me and he was extremely terrible at hiding it. Just for the heck of it, I stuck my tongue out at him one of the times and watched as his face turned red and he glanced away.

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