Chapter 14: Could've Done Better

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Date: 29th Malkus 22228KU

Philan Jura stood shaking on the roof she had arrived on days prior. Days before the attack. She had been cleaned up from the blood which had spattered onto her body from the brave men which tried to save her life. It was now the early hours of the morning roughly six. The sun was finally beginning to rise. She had zero sleep out of fear that the stalkers would come back. She had guards around her at all times.

She remained on the landing platform with two Kysellon guards which were her only guards to survive as fortunately for them they weren't stationed in the plaza. Instead they were patrolling around the outside. One of them had a hand on her shoulder to put her more at ease while the other stood tall to intimidate potential killers.

Behind her stood a row of Brojon guard staying out infront of the door to make sure no one came through. Guards were every where to ensure the safety on the Governor. They were doing what Alanser would've wanted.

Philan Jura had also pointed out to the guards Wilbur Sybran was innocent so he would not take the fall for something he didn't even do. In fact she spoke highly of him even though she only saw him for a second before she was ushered out by other guards.

The distant hum of a vessel finally made her feel better. Knowing that she would be going home any time soon and leave this wretched memory behind.

It was a V40-Hyper Craft. A vessel owned by the ValleyGuards. It wasn't the strongest but it was swift. Made on the moon from scrap which was surprising as most things on Varlos were imported in and modified so it was impressive that they had managed to build them especially a vessel.

It had the classic blue and white colour scheme. It wasn't particularly big. Only enough to have fifteen people inside in relative comfort. Which was including pilots. It had a sleek flat design so it would be a hard one to hit especially since it could turn in a dime.

People all around the city looked up mesmerised by the sight of a vessel as many hadn't seen one for years and some of the younger population had never seen one ever. While most knew why it was there the ones who didn't knew that something serious or important was happening.

The vessel turned with its side facing the Handro Governor. Similar to the craft she arrived on the entire side opened up to expose the interior once it's feet finally touched down.

Inside was roughly twelve seats along the side and an extra three at the back of the craft. Inside wasn't the crew she was expecting. She was expecting ValleyGuards and her own men but to her shock there wasn't any of them.

Instead it was ValleyGuard commandos. The Sire must be very concerned about her safety to send the few of them they had.

Off stepped the vessel was a human. He was tall. But his blue armour completely covered him and unlike Steve Garn he wore a heavier full suit instead of lighter gear. All of the squad's gear was a similar dark blue with a few black highlights and a glowing light blue visor.

Who followed him was a shorter human female by the looks of it. Meanwhile the two others stayed on board. They looked to be another woman and a very tall Rylorsss. His armour was heavily modified due to his species lacking limbs and unable to breath oxygen. Because of that he still had the blue but his armour was bulkier and also was clearer. She could see he was had lime scales with piercing yellow eyes. He remained gripping the side of the vessel.

Meanwhile the man and woman who stepped off both held the weapons tight as they rushed to the aid of the Governor.

"Miss Jura!" He called over the sound of the vessel. She wasn't entirely sure what to say so she just nodded at the man.

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