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And he pulled me in a kiss and we started making out until we didn't stop to get some air
"H-hyunjin?..." I asked him and he nodded and I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him the truth
"I-I want y-you" I said and he looked at me shocked but with a smile
"But you h-have a boyfriend" he said and I just backed off and couldn't say anything that we saw a knife go through the door and almost hitting me and hyunjin immediately took me and protected me and saw that it was yeonjun

"You little..." and with that yeonjun tried stabbing me before hyunjin attached him and slip hitting his head on the sink and yeonjun stab him in the arm and was about to stab him in the heart and I went in and thrown yeonjun out of the way and took my phone called Jisung

"J-jis p-please come" i said with a shaky voice and he sounded confused
"COME" I yelled and closed the call and hyunjin wasn't waking up but luckily was still alive

After a couple minutes yeonjun woke up but also jisung came in the bathroom and saw hyunjin's arm bleeding me holding him and yeonjun in the back without me realizing and Jisung immediately went to yeonjun and attacked him and he threw me his phone and I called the police

After a bit the police came in the bathroom and saw how jisung had a knife a couple inches from his face and yeonjun with the knife in his hands and the cops immediately stopped yeonjun and took him away while hyunjin was waking up
"Hyunjin?!" I said and he slowly got up and I helped him
"W-what happened ow" he said and saw his arm bleeding and me covering it with my hand
"Y-yeonjun tried t-to kill y-you" I said trying not to cry
"W-what?" He said shocked and jisung came and was next to me

"Nothing the police took him" Jisung said and he nodded while he tried to get up and we helped him
"Omg is everything ok?" The guy of the cafe asked and we nodded and he didn't let us pay and so we left and went to hyunjin's house

We got there and hyunjin and I went up while Jisung was parking his car, right when we got up i made him sit down and took the first aid kit for his arm
"Are you ok?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile and I held on his other hand
"I'm sorry, if I wasn't this dumb this wouldn't have happened" I said and his smile dropped
"No, no Felix if I wouldn't have kissed you I wouldn't have got hurt and put you're life in danger" he said and I just held on tightly on his hand and wrapped his arm and then got up

"Is everything ok?" He asked and I was scared
"What if yeonjun finds me and is gonna try to kill me?" I said kinda scared and he got up and hugged me
"Don't worry it's not going to happen... I will be with you" he whispered the last part but I still heard it and I hugged him tighter and gave him a secret kiss that he didn't realized on his shoulder since I had my head laying on his shoulder

After the hug we heard the doorbell ring so hyunjin pulled out of the hug and went to open the door and saw jisung come in
"How long it took just to park?" He asked and Jisung totally ignored him and looked at his arm
"Are you ok?" Jisung asked and hyunjin looked kinda pissed
"Yeah... thank you for the response" he said in a sarcastic way and I giggled and he smiled at me and jisung didn't notice and went to the kitchen and went to the balcony

"So everything is ok?" Jisung asked and we nodded
"Ok, so should we go?" Jisung asked even tho I didn't want to leave hyunjin alone
"What if that psycho yeonjun comes back?" I asked just like this I could stay with yeonjun
"Well the police took him" Jisung said coming towards me
"His family is rich, they can take him out of the jail in one hour" I said and he realized that
"Then you're point is that it's better that you stay here with him and I stay at home alone?" He said and I kinda nodded and he smirked
"Ok then I'm leaving" Jisung said and we nodded and he left and we were alone so he went to the balcony and I followed him

Right when we got there he sat down and took a cigarette from the box and started to smoke
"You smoke?" I said shocked and he giggled and nodded
"That was the weird smell I heard when I got here" I said and he laughed
"Want to try?" He asked and I took the cigarette from his hand and tried it and he smirked
"Gosh I wanted to smoke from when that bitch knocked me down" he said and I giggled
"Why didn't you smoke before?" I asked while he lit another one for himself
"Jisung doesn't know, and if he does he is going to kill me" he said and I laughed and he smiled at me

"You're cute when you smile" he said and I blushed and he giggled and came closer to me and put his hand around my neck and we had our faces inches away from each other and I was red as a tomato and he giggled and closed his cigarette and put his face on my shoulder and stood like that as he watched the sunset and I got used to it and put my head on his and stood like that

After a bit he got up and went to the kitchen and took two beers and gave me one
"Thanks" I said shyly and he smiled and we started drinking
"You are literally ruining me" I said laughing and he laughed
"Because I barely drink, I never smoked" I said and he laughed
"I'm turning you into a cute version of me" he said laughing and I hit his arm
"What, you don't want to be like me?" He asked laughing
"You mean fake being a mean and cold person while in reality is a pretty and nice guy? Yeah no pass" I asked ironically and he looked at me offended in a sarcastic way and we started laughing

After we finished our beers and other cigarettes he went into his room and brought me some clothes that fit me and I changed and he did the same

We went to the living room but the tv didn't turn on
"Oh the tv is broken if you want you can watch the tv in my room" he said and I nodded and went to his room to turn on the tv and sat on his bed and watch some tv, After a while I fell asleep

I went in to my room seeing Felix sleeping and I giggled from how cute he looked and went next to him on the side of the bed and kissed him and he didn't realize so I took advantage and just kissed him again but for longer until he moved and turned around and I got up

I closed everything and went to sleep next to him, right when I laid down he hugged me and put his leg and me and I blushed and he put his head on my neck and he was breathing on my neck and I felt it coming
"Holy sh-" I whispered trying not to do anything but it was super hard and he came even closer and I wanted to get up but I couldn't

After a while he put his leg in the middle of mine and I just couldn't hold myself anymore and slowly got up and luckily didn't wake him up and went to the bathroom
(Not saying what he did but just imagine)

I got up and Felix was still sleeping so I went next to him and from how tired I took advantage and pulled him close to me and hugged him by his back and put my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek and then fell asleep

So I don't like this chapter but it was
So hard to do since I didn't know what
To put in it but yeah I hope you enjoy it

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