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I woke up in the kitchen table and was super confused and took my phone and realized it was the day of the party and I couldn't believe I dreamed of him again and also realized I was also late to jisung's party and immediately rushed to get ready and left the house

I got there and hyunjin wasn't there and I felt dumb to think he would be there

After a while I barely talked to anyone and just stood on my phone the whole time
"Felix what is the point of coming here if you aren't going to interact with anyone?" Jisung asked me and I got up
"Well if you didn't want to come but you're best friend forces you, you don't have an option" I said with a smile and was going to the bathroom
"Where are you going?" He asked me
"To the bathroom" I said and left

I got there and turned on the water washing my face and started shacking and anxiety started and I started shacking and my body couldn't hold myself anymore and I just sat down trying to calm myself down and I heard someone else came to the party and overheard the conversation

"Hey hyunjin, I missed you for all these 5 years" I heard jisung said and then didn't hear anything else and I got up washed my face again and got out trying to look as calm as possible

"Hey Felix, hyunjin came" jisung said happy and I just nodded and waved my hand since no one knew about our break up except jisung, he also cut his hair, he looked pretty hot, anyway everyone knew about our relationship and they were shocked while I felt like throwing up
"What happened between you two, I thought you guys dated?" Jeongin asked us as we kept eye contact
"We stopped texting like 4 years ago" hyunjin said looking away and I just felt like cry and fall on my knees

"I'm sorry I need to go" I said and took my stuff and was heading out and jisung came after me

"Felix what happened?" Jisung asked me as I took his hand and held it tightly and couldn't breathe
"I-I can't breath" I said and started panicking
"Wait Felix calm down" he said and I just couldn't and he brought me back inside and made me sat down on a bed and came back with some water

"Felix calm down, you are just having anxiety" he said and I calmed myself down and put my head on his shoulder
"Is everything ok?" He asked me and I nodded
"Yeah I think so" I said and got up and saw Minho and hyunjin come

"Hey is everything ok, why were you rushing so much?" Minho asked
"Yeah everything is fine, Felix just had anxiety, that's all" jisung said and hyunjin looked at me
"You have anxiety?" He asked me and I just started to walk away
"None of you're business" I said and was leaving

Felix left and I looked at the others confused
"Since when does he have anxiety?" I asked them and they looked at each other
"Can someone please explain what the fuck is on with Felix, ever since I left he looks super weak so can one of you explain what the fuck is on with him?" I asked mad

"Felix ever since you left, he's never been the same, we never saw him smile, be happy, we only saw him cry, he had anxiety attacks, he never smiled again, I don't even remember how is smile was" jisung and Minho said together and I looked at them shocked and I took my stuff and went out to search for him and saw that my old apartment was close by and thought he would still live in it and went there

I got there and heard someone crying loudly from my house and I ran to the door and started knocking like crazy
"Felix, is that you? Please open the door" I said and he opened the door and hugged me

We got in and he calmed himself down on my chest holding my hand
"Is everything ok?" I asked him and he nodded and I smiled looking at him
"Do you want to talk about us, and what's wrong with you?" I asked him and he got up
"I-I... don't" he said and looked scared like if I would hurt him
"Don't worry, we will when you are ready" I said and pulled him back on me

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