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I woke up and felt some arms around my waist and turned my head since I felt something on my shoulder and saw hyunjin sleeping on my shoulder and I just kept looking at his face
He was perfect

After a while he slowly opened his eyes and I immediately closed mine, right when he woke up he pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek and I was panicking but I couldn't do anything

After he got up and left the room I immediately took my phone and got up and ran to the bathroom, luckily he wasn't there and I started panicking
"Why did he kiss me?" I said to myself at the mirror and then heard the door knock
"Hey lix is everything ok?" He asked kinda worried and I didn't know what to do
"Y-yeah" I said and then washed my face and got out

I went to the kitchen and saw that hyunjin was making breakfast
"Oh hi, is everything ok?" He asked me and I nodded with a smile trying to forget about the kiss
"Yeah e-everything is ok" I said sitting down and he put the plate in front of me and started eating

While we were eating he put his hand on my thigh and I started blushing and he giggled and I didn't know what to do so I just stood on my phone and was red as a tomato
"So do you want me to take you home?" He asked me and I nodded with a smile and he got up and went to change and I did the same

After when we were ready we got out of the house and went to his car and he brought me home

"Ok, we are here" he said and I was getting out before I stopped myself and kissed him on the cheek
"Thanks for bringing me home" I said with a soft smile and I left to my dorm super shy
"Why the fuck did I do that?" I said while entering the dorm and saw that jeongin one of my friends with jisung

"Oh hey lix, how was 'taking care of him?'" He asked me and I just looked at him annoyed and went to jeongin
"Hey jeongin, why are you here?" I asked him while sitting next to him
"So there's this guy I like, and the guy is jisung's cousin, hyunjin" he said with a smile and my jaw dropped
"Is everything ok lix?" He asked me confused and I got back to reality

"Yeah" I said in a kinda angry way
"I need to use the bathroom" I said getting up and leaving kinda mad

"Why the fuck would he like hyunjin?" I asked myself while locking the door
"I mean he has never talked to him, barely sees him and he likes him?" I said kinda annoyed
"What if jisung helps him date him after I tried everything to get closer to him?" I said kinda shocked and mad
"Gosh I need to see hyunjin" I said and got out of the bathroom

"Hey lix is everything ok?... you've been acting weird from when you got here" Jisung said and I just took my phone and texted hyunjin
"Yeah I'm fine" I said annoyed
"I'm leaving" I said getting out of the house not caring about his question
"Lix.. what is wrong?" He asked me and grab my hand
"Gosh nothing" I said annoyed and he turned me to face him
"Felix..." he asked me and I just turned around and left

I saw hyunjin waiting me alone and his car no were to be seen
"We're is you're car?" I asked him confused and he just smiled grabbed my hand and he started running somewhere

"Where are we going?" I asked him confused and he stopped in front of an ice cream shop and we got in and took some ice cream
"You did not just make me run 4 blocks just to get ice cream?" I told him annoyed and he giggled
"Not just for that" he told me with a smirk and we got our ice creams and he brought me somewhere else and luckily didn't run

We reached the beach and he took a towel and placed it down
"That's why you had a backpack today, that is something you never wear" I said and he giggled and we sat down and he reached for my hand and interlock our hands together and I put my head on his shoulder

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