The music band Travelers

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Still Arely's POV:

I woke up, surprisingly, Feilix was still asleep, I got up and looked at the clock 6:03 pm "The church Traveling." I said so got up and started getting ready for the trip. I grabbed my guitar, backpack, water bottle and of course my Bible and keys. I'm usually the first one to come in church, so I kept my keys that my mother gave me.

I head to the front door and opened it, I looked back, having the feeling that i was being.. followed. I ignored the feeling and just walked. My church was pretty close to my house and Feilix's, but the memory that had happened hit me, but I just shook it off and just kept walking down the sidewalk.

I arived at the church inserted the key and opened the door. I entered inside it was pitch black but for me I could see. I walked up to the light switches and out of nowhere something or someone grabbed the back of my neck, I screamed and tried on my own foot but then something catches me in the right time.

I opened my eyes and they widened seeing Roger's light brown eyes glowing in the dark. He was wearing a tucksido with a grey tie. We both blushed hard red, we stood up, looking away from eachother. There was awkward silence until Roger broke it. "I-I'm sorry, I just thought it would be funny to just give you a little scare." Roger said while he's scratching the back of his head.

" i'ts ok" I responded dut then I pulled him by his tie. "But Listen here chãmacho, don't ever scare me like that again or else..." but as I was about to finish my sentence, my mother walked through the door. "Mom" I went over to my mom and hugged her. "why are you guys here so early?" My mom questioned. "Oh actually I was here first but this guy decided to go and give me a little "scare" out of nowhere" I responded "Ok then let's just wait for the rest of our church members" my mom continued.

Time skip... No one's POV:

After all the church members arived, they all got inside of a bus and got all the music iguipement, then they drove off.
Arely and Feilix were sitting in the back of the bus. The travel was only an hour and a half, the bus had tables near the windows. Arely was next to the window while Feilix was sitting near the outside of the seat.

Feilix's POV:

I was just practicing the lyrics of the song that I was going to sing on stage. I had no stage fright at all, although, I was the singer of the music group, Julie was the guitarist my four other friends were: drums, piano, bass guitar,and DJ. I preceeded to sing out loud, and when I finished the look on Julia was very impressed we both laughed and I don't know why I did this but I ended up wrapping my arm around Julia, she blushed really hard then she put her head on my shoulder I also slightly blushed.

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