Music band Travelers pt2

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Still Feilix's POV :

But. She. kissed. my.. Neck, but I ended up waking up ugh!, Good thing it was a dream! Julie then asked me: " so how was your sleep there bud?" She asked. " Uhhhh.." No response except. "It- was.. well-" I was stuttering with my words, unable to get come out of me. " are you okay Roger?" Julie said,but Then exhaled and said: "yeah sorry, I just have a little c-car sick.." I said when I started gaging. Then went to the restroom,

A few minutes later...

After I was done vomiting in the bathroom I sat back down in my seat and banged my head against the wall. "Are you sure you're okay?" Julia asked again after earlier, but I head fell forward and slammed my face on the table infront of me. Julia then pulled out a stomach ache medication out of her bag, she then poured some in a small cup. " are you sure that medicine is gonna work?..." I said silently.

" well of course it will. It works every time." Julia responded. "Okayyy" I groaned it sounded like I was drunk. Julie lifted up my head, had me drink the medicine then told me: " now, just relax and the medicine will kick in" she said softly. Later then, it did kicked in. " you feeling any better now?" Julia asked.

" yeah, it really helped actually. Thanks" I said in a soft smile Julia's widened and blushed a little with a smile "well that's all what best friends do, alright?"Julia responded.

We kept vibing along with the music, and we were just 14 minutes away from the church, Julia and I looked out the window and saw the church that we were gonna preform in. We started packing and preparing to get off the bus so did the other's.

We arrived at the church and we were greeted by the other new members of the church. All of us were gathering the music iguipement with the help of the other church members and as we were setting up the whole music iguipement plugged everything in and left the stage and sat down....

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