The Lead Singer.

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Again Feilix's POV:

The church was Hispanic so I sometimes write songs in Spanish, so I was supposedly was the singer in the music group, me and the rest of the music group were all in the back stage practicing, preparing and wishing us a good luck.

" You gonna be sure this is going to be a good idea, Roger?". Julia then asked,

"Yup!, I am for sure ready for this!." I then responded while hoping and shaking as to prepare to be ready.

Julia's mother was the paster of the church of her own so, she walked up to the stage.

(This is translated for English readers.)

"We are all gathered here for something super special, it is the music group called "The Lost Predators" they've been together for about two years and now they have something special. And song that they wrote, and I would like to introduce you to "Feilix the Wolf" the best friend of my daughter and the rest of the music group

Then we all speed walked up to our instruments and i prepared i mic testing it to make sure it it's working properly then I started to speak.

(Still English for English readers.)

"I'm sure that you're all thinking, "oh eWw ArE ThOse EArs!?" I jokingly say making the audience laugh.

"Well yes they are, but that's not the point there, the real point is: that were helping write a song that is for our father himself.. We were so exited to share this song with you guys here it is.

(This song is in Spanish its called in engilish "There's Freedom in the Lords House" sooo.. Enjoy the beats though)

It all felt like a concert I was.. enjoying it all. It was Awesome!

After the music singing...

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