24 - The Wanton and The Violated

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Just as she heard the sound of an alarm clock echoing in her ear, a grumpy Akshara snuggled into the warmth of two very large and sturdy arms.

"Hmmm, al...arm." Akshara whined, furrowing her brows at the loud, incessant noise disturbing her peaceful sleep.

"Hmmm, let...me...ssleep." An equally sleepy and grumpy voice growled, smacking the alarm shut before pulling her tighter into his embrace.

Akshara smiled into the man's chest, snuggling deeper, enjoying her share of the warmth and comfort.

Wait a second.

Warmth and comfort. A man's arms.

Akshara's eyes flung open as she felt her life flash before her eyes. Oh god, please no. No, no, no. Not again. She slowly moved her eyes away from the very chest she was sleeping on and very lightly, as if to not disturb anything or anyone, moved her eyes up to the owner of the very broad chest and equally sturdy, long, muscular arms.

And just like that, she felt as if she was a part of her own very personal nightmare.


She was sprawled like a wanton woman over Abhimanyu Birla's chest, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs tangled in his. Suddenly finding it hard to breathe, Akshara scrambled off Abhimanyu's chest as if she had just touched poison ivy and sat up straight on her side of the bed.

Mindlessly, she began creating a barrier between Abhimanyu and her using pillows, trying to distance herself from him.

"You know, I'm starting to feel just a little bit violated." Abhimanyu perked up, opening his eyes to look at a very disheveled Akshara.

"Just a little bit?" Akshara bit out, tucking her stray hair behind her ear.

Seriously, she had no clue what was wrong with her! Why and how did she always end up mounting Abhimanyu as if he were a horse and she, a jockey?

"I mean, not to say I don't enjoy being taken advantage of, but I'd enjoy it more if I knew what was happening."

"Don't act so innocent! If anything, I should be the one complaining about being taken advantage of!"

Abhimanyu sat up straight on the bed, turning to face her. "And how is that? I'm not the one sprawled over your body like a blanket in the morning, breaking makeshift barriers or having crazy sex dreams." He pointed out, making Akshara's cheeks turn red.

"And I don't know what's wrong with me or why I keep doing all these embarrassing things."

"Oh, I do. It's simple."

"Really? Why is that?" She scoffed, bitterly.

"Because you're attracted to me." He stated casually, getting up from the bed to stretch his legs.

"Me, attracted to you? Ha! What a joke! Why would I want to join the long list of women you've bedded? In your dreams!"

"Or rather, in your dreams, is it not?" He teased.

"I'm not attracted to you! You are the last guy on Earth I'd be attracted to!" She had no idea why she was babbling so much but for her own sake and sanity, she needed to drill it in his head and hers that she was not attracted to Abhimanyu Birla.

Abhimanyu couldn't really pinpoint why but Akshara's constant clarification about not being attracted to him bothered him. It wasn't as if he was attracted to her. But a small part of him, a tiny part of him relished the morning snuggles and the homely vibe which radiated off of Akshara.

"You know, I wouldn't blame you if you do find me attractive. I know the charm I have on the ladies." Abhimanyu had no idea why he was trying so hard to convince Akshara of his own attractiveness.

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