42 - Blowing off Some Steam

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The next morning, as the sun rays peeked through the curtains, lighting up their room, Akshara and Abhinanyu snuggled closer to each other, nestling their heads against each other. Abhimanyu wrapped his arms around Akshara, caging her in.

Drowsily, Akshara and Abhimanyu both opened their eyes at the same time, rapidly blinking their sleep away.

"Morning." Akshara whispered, leaning up to capture Abhimanyu's mouth in a fresh morning kiss.

"Morning." Abhimanyu smiled against her lips, stifling a yawn.

This early morning was so peaceful, so serene, so quiet. Their postures, homely. Abhimanyu and Akshara could wake up like this every morning without fail, wrapped in each other's arms, no regrets. None whatsoever.

Abhimanyu pushed Akshara's chin up once more and captured her lips in tender yet passionate kiss, letting the morning hue simmer in their blanket of coziness.

Just then, the alarm on Abhimanyu's phone went off, reminding the two of them where they were. Their lips parted and their eyes widened at the knowledge of being wrapped, naked around each other's bodies. With s gentle push, Abhimanyu and Akshara broke away from each other, and without glancing at each other's bare bodies, they began dressing up.

Abhimanyu wore his his sweatpants and t-shirt while Akshara donned her flimsy booty shorts, cami and wrapped a robe around her body, covering herself up from Abhimanyu's gaze.

"Akshara...I'm...we..." Abhimanyu and Akshara met in the center of the room, trying to find the right words to describe what exactly had conspired last night.

"We were just blowing off some steam. That's all." Akshara mentioned casually, quickly just as she could hear the sounds of her heart breaking within her.

She didn't want Abhimanyu to be given a chance to apologize again. She was tired of hearing him apologize for something they both had equal parts interest in. So she was going to take control of the situation and break her own heart before he did.

Akshara's nonchalant attitude towards last night triggered something within Abhimanyu. In a swift move, Abhimanyu pulled Akshara up to his chest, staring down intensely into her eyes, "Just blowing off steam?! Is that all it was to you?" He grit out, his voice loud, but calculated, tortured. He had so much to say, so many different things he was feeling but he was unable to find the right words.

"A casual hookup in a drunken state. Yes." Akshara doubled down on her words, making Abhimanyu angrier. He pulled her further into him, the hot air of their breaths mingling, the sexual tension at an all time high.

A casual hookup, that is all what last night had been to her. Casual hookups, the only thing he knew how to do, but then why did hearing those exact same words being thrown at him by Akshara hurt so fucking jm much? Why did hearing that last night didn't mean anything, even though he could feel being choked by the tightness of her pussy, the pink slurry of her orgasm as he broke her fragile barrier, her cries of pleasure still ring true in his ears? Why?

"A casual hookup? Is that all it was?" He grit out, distraught by her words and even more confused and angry at his reaction to them.

"Why are you so shocked? Isn't this...this no strings attached sex...something you're used to? Aren't you notorious for it?" Akshara questioned, feeling disgusted with her choice of words.

Abhimanyu had been honest about his feelings. He didn't believe in love or relationships and she knew she was setting herself up for a world of hurt. But this was the best case scenario. Protect her heart by pretending all that happened between them had been no big deal. Even though only she was aware of how heavy her heart felt.

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