61 - Love Lorn

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The next morning, Abhimanyu awoke to the aromatics of a good and hearty brunch being prepared. He checked his iPhone to see it was just a little past 2pm. His body ached in just the right places.

He felt relaxed and well rested. Energetic. Especially after finally being able to sleep in his bed after what felt like long, torturous hours on the job.

Abhimanyu got up from the bed and stepped into a pair of sweatpants. He ran his hand through his hair before stretching his arms after a restful night's sleep.

It felt good to be home.

Even if it was just for the day.


Abhimanyu stepped out into the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants and tussled hair. He quietly walked over to Akshara who was busy cooking with light music playing throughout the house.

He wrapped his arms around Akshara's stomach from behind and leaned his chin on her shoulder, placing a light kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Morning you." She whispered, tilting her head to the side so she could capture his lips in a quick chaste kiss.

"Morning." He grumbled, suppressing a yawn.

"I am just getting breakfast ready. Or well brunch."

"Here, let me." Abhimanyu grabbed the spatula out of Akshara's hands, wrapped his fingers around her waist and plopped her on the kitchen counter beside the stove.

"Abhi..." Akshara argued, trying to make a grab for the spatula but was thwarted.

"No. I'll cook. You sit here. Like a good girl." He warned. "Or you'll be punished." He added.

"What if I like the punishment you give me?" Her voice was sultry, seductive, making Abhimanyu groan just imagining the possible case scenarios.

"You are a teasing little minx."

"I learnt from the best." She smiled softly, just as she pressed her lips against Abhimanyu's again, capturing his mouth in a ravaging kiss.

"The student became the master, I see." He smiled against her lips. He then pulled apart from Akshara's arms and focused back on the scrambled eggs in the making.

Akshara kicked her feet against the counter, enjoying watching Abhimanyu cook breakfast for the two of them.

Suddenly her worries from last night seemed pointless. He loved her. He cared for her. She had been worried for nothing.

"Salt?" He asked, outstretching his hand.

Akshara passed Abhimanyu the salt, her eyes glistening with happiness as she watched the love of her life be so engrossed in cooking.


"Here." Akshara passed Abhimanyu the jar of pepper just as he finished scrambling the eggs.

"Toast and avocado?"

Akshara nodded her head. "Avocado is all ready to go, chilling in the fridge and toast is right here."

She maneuvered herself around the counter, taking out plates and glasses for Abhimanyu and her whilst she plopped the bread in the toaster.

Abhimanyu set the plates down onto the kitchen island before turning around and grabbing Akshara by the waist, helping her down.

Only he didn't let her feet touch the ground and thus, Akshara was stuck in the air. Neither being able to place her feet onto the ground or have the support of a sturdy counter.

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