chapter seventeen: unnatural.

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The amount of things I research to make this book as canon as possible is ironic when I remember that the three main love interests aren't even their canon genders.

Unrelated question, should there be a Lady Dimitrescu or a Lord Dimitrescu?

(I didn't sleep last night and decided to make this in my sleep deprived night. I do not guarantee a good chapter.)

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" can such a small thing be so...fluffy?"
Castiel mutters, staring down at Iris as he snores away.

"Haven't heard that one before, but That's a pretty good question...Iris is a chubby little mystery."
I state.

Castiel hums and slouches down a little more. He's gotten closer to me since I took Iris back, I've taken it to him becoming more sure that I'm not some sort of evil foreign threat to his life.

We're still sitting on blankets. Iris is content, and I'm tired. Castiel...well, he seems extremely intrigued by both Iris and I even existing. He keeps asking us, and by us I mean me, question after question...most being about Iris.

"Why on earth would you bring a baby to a foreign Village?"
Castiel asks.

"I didn't bring him, I was just the person who was taking care of him while everyone was setting up places to sleep. I was the only person with Iris when...well, when everybody else got separated from us."
I explain. It feels like a sudden looming presence of guilt reappears when I remember what happened...I wonder if Markus and Amanda are looking for their car.

...I wonder if they think I stole it and took Iris.

"Why would you think of sleeping in a forest of you had a warm bed waiting for you??
Castiel asks me, lazily turning his head and yet keeping such a focused expression.

"Well...its fun to go somewhere new and sleep in a forest."
I answer, but the second I hear the answer I immediately start thinking of a million better ways I could've phrased it to sound less...odd.

"...I do not get you."
Castiel says quietly, cocking his head a bit to the side.

For a second, I try to pick apart a new way to explain why I was 'sleeping in the forest', but before I can even make my poorly made explanation into words, he scoots even closer to me.

He just...stares. It makes me curious, why does he stare at me so often? Is it because he's never seen a foreigner?

"..That gives me all the more reason to stay beside understand why you are the way you are, and why it seems to be so good at making me so confused."
He chuckles, before leaning away and giving me enough space to breathe without being self conscious about how I'm breathing.

Iris seems to swing from conscious to unconscious repeatedly, quietly babbling words that are somehow even more incoherent than usual. Castiel picks up on this and looks back down at him.

"What is it doing...?"
He asks.

"Waking up...have you never seen a baby wake up?"
I ask. He looks at the least in his twenties, there's no way he hasn't seen a baby waking up at least once in his life.

"Before now, I don't think I had ever seen a baby at all, let alone one beginning to wake up."
Castiel mumbles.

" have you never seen a baby?"
I ask.

Castiel drums his eerily pale fingers on his leg, looking straight at me but not answering my question. It's...terrifying in a way. He continues this for a few moments, before halting the drumming and straightening his posture.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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