An Interesting First Encounter

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Santana Lopez was always good at lying. She used the skill to get out of simple things, like taking her family dog out or denying eating the last donut and leaving the package in the pantry. Naturally, she started to use this skill for bigger things. Such as telling people at her school she was from the bad part of town. Only her real friends knew that she lived in Lima Proper, not Lima Heights Adjacent. Brittany Pierce was very surprised to learn this. After they had dated for three months, Santana finally decided it had come time to introduce Brittany to her family.

Contrary to how Santana portrayed it, her parents were very accepting of her orientation, not angered of it. Brittany drove them to 138 Tracton Street in her 2008 Honda civic. She had been extremely proud when she saved up enough money to buy it a month ago. The first thing she thought to do was call Santana to brag about her new car. Santana, who always had ears for her blonde girlfriend. Santana, who had a soft spot only for Brittany.

And Brittany knew it. She smirked whenever Santana cuddled with her or rested on her thighs. All the clues from the outside made it seem like Santana was the "Top" in the relationship but it was really the opposite. Britt was the controlling one and Santana was her loyal subject.

Luis Lopez stood near the window, giddy that he finally got to meet his daughter's girlfriend. His wife, Valeria made dinner in the kitchen. Despite her nonchalant shell, she was nervous to meet Brittany. She knew how important she was to her daughter and didn't want to mess anything up. Santana had been worrying all week that one of her parents was going to embarrass her or say something that might scare Brittany off. Valeria glanced over at her husband at yelled at him, "Set the table already! I told you 45 minutes ago!" Luis however, continued to watch out the window as his daughter approached, Brittany following. "They're coming!" He exclaimed with excitement. He quickly turned off the Cleveland Browns game off the television and bounded to the entryway of their home.

On the other side of the door, Santana warned Brittany, "My parents are going to ask a lot of questions about you-" "I can handle it," Brittany interrupted. Santana took a deep breath, a peeve of hers was people interrupting. She continued, "I know you can handle it babe, I just want you to be prepared in case there are any awkward questions. I thought I would go over some rules of what not to talk about. Is that ok?" Britt nodded like a puppy about to revive a treat. "Rule number one," the brunette continued, "Do not, under any circumstances, make a joke about our sex life." Brittany scoffed. Santana must have meant their lack of sex life. "Rule number two, don't talk politics. My parents are weirdly conservative and I know you are very liberal. And rule number three, try to steer away from talking about glee club. As nice as my parents are, they both think show choir is for losers. Any questions?"

Brittany pretended to be asleep after Santana had finished talking, knowing it would piss the shorter Latina girl off. "Did you finally shut the hell up?" Brittany asked. "Bitch." Santana muttered under her breath. Brittany responded in a playful tone, "That's a bad word San. I don't think I like angry Santana." Santana shook her head and opened the door to her waiting parents. They immediately engulfed Brittany in a hug. "We've heard so much about you Brittany," Valeria whispered in the blonde's ear. "Have you now? Good things I hope." The older woman giggled a little bit before motioning to the girls to come in.

   An hour later, after awkward small talk in the living room, the Lopez family and Brittany sat down for dinner, Chicken Parmesan and salad. The salad was mostly for Santana, as she was vegetarian. Another thing Santana hadn't told Brittany about, her 6 year old sister, Izzy. Izzy skipped down the stairs and yelled "Brittany! I finally get to meet you!" Brittany felt extremely welcomed, but at the same time, extremely surprised that Santana had a younger sister. She had never mentioned having any siblings at all. Brittany looked over at Santana and mouthed, "Izzy! Izzy," telling Britt her sisters name, praying her girlfriend would play along.

   Santana crossed her fingers behind her back and took in a breath until Brittany said, "I'm so excited to meet you too, Izzy!" Santana wiped the sweat off her forehead and mouthed a discreet, "Thank you," to the blonde. Brittany however, gave Santana a scowl. Dinner went on with more embarrassingly awkward small talk until Santana's dad made a comment about society being"Too inclusive" these days. Santana nervously looked over at her girlfriend, hoping she wouldn't retort. Her prayers went unheard, and Brittany responded with, "I think people should be able to express themselves however they want. The government shouldn't be able to control who we are." The table went absolutely silent. Santana winced, sensing some new formed tension among the group. Luis took a look over at Britt and just shook his head, partially in disbelief.

   Valeria decided to change the topic, also sensing the tension hanging in the room. "Are you involved in any clubs at school Brittany? Tell us about your interests." Santana was now sweating a puddle. Brittany thought for a second and then smiled, "I love to dance, but McKinley doesn't have a dance team so I do cheer, but you already knew that. And, another obvious, glee club. I only joined because Santana wanted me to, but I love it now!" Santana clenched and unclenched her jaw, obviously agitated by Brittany's comment. Valeria snorted. "Glee club! I remember the kids who used to do that back at my school. We used to throw slushees at them! Good thin times have changed!" Brittany and Santana shared a knowing glance.

   Brittany had now broke two of the only three rules Santana had instated for the night. She now was seriously pissed that her girlfriend had not actually listened to her forewarning before they got here. Santana glared at the blonde and Brittany simply gave her a confused look back to her. Brittany had officially made a bad impression on the Lopez parents and Santana didn't think there was anything she could do to make it worse. That was until Izzy decided to speak.

   Luis and Valeria were talking to each other and Izzy asked, "Mom, could you give me the salad bowl?" Valeria ignored her. Izzy turned over to Brittany and asked, "How hard can it be for her to just give it to me?" Brittany said back to her in a moment of not thinking, "Sometimes I wish Santana would give it to me." The whole room went dead silent. Way more silent then earlier. If you dropped a feather, you could hear it. "Excuse me young lady?" Valeria said to Brittany.

   Brittany realized what she had said and mentally facepalmed. Santana swooped in with a save, "Mama she didn't mean it like that, I promise!" Valeria decided to believe Santana. On the other side of the table, Santana was furious, as Brittany had now broken all three of her rules. Minutes passed in silence until dinner was over and it was time for Santana and Brittany to leave for the night. They were spending it at Britt's house.

   Santana hugged her family goodnight and walked out to the car with the taller girl, hands balled into fists. The car ride was quiet until Brittany said, "That dinner went relatively well. A fight then proceeded, but I'll spare you the details. Brittany and Santana's relationship was rocky. When they arrived at the Pierce house, Santana walked in ahead of Brittany, still obviously mad. When she opened the door she was greeted by a hug from Brittany's mom, Megan. She saw the look on Santana's face and asked, "Bad night?" Santana nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks.

   Megan comforted the girl until Britt walked in and tried reasoning with her. Santana only responded with, "I don't want to talk to you Britt." Brittany's younger sister hopped down the stairs and greeted Santana. "Hi Ellie!" was San's response. Ellie was a grade below them. Santana and Brittany were 17 and Seniors and Ellie was a 16 year old junior. Santana looked over at her, and her smile caught Santana's attention.

   Santana took a second to appreciate Ellie's beauty. Her light blue eyes, chestnut brown hair. Her kind smile. Her curvy figure and that nice, firm a- What was she thinking? That's her girlfriend's sister! She tore her eyes away, but it was too late. Santana had a crush on her girlfriend's sister.

Girlfriends Sister- A Santana Lopez story *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now