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Rachel's party wasn't as bad as Santana had imagined it would be. It was a little bit bland, but at least there was alcohol. A negative of the party was the choice of music. Rachel had a playlist composed completely of Broadway music. It was sooo Rachel.

   By 10:00 Santana was very drunk, clambering over to a completely sober Ellie. "Hiii! Do ya wanna drink Ellie?" Ellie laughed at the sight before her. Santana stumbled, losing her balance. After a good 20 seconds of watching the girl stumble around in her stupor, Ellie finally responded, "I think I'll pass on the drink, San."

The brunette girl rolled her eyes, glaring over at the younger girl, "You're b-boring." Her intoxicated state caused her to fall over right into Ellie's lap, which made both girls instantly blush. Santana stared up into the girl's eyes and lifted her head up to whisper to her, "You should s-stop dying your hair b-blonde. You look l-like your sister." Ellie took offense to the comment, but stored it in the back of her mind.

Rachel desperately tried to pump up the party to the next level, suggesting a game. Her only problem was that there were more than 200 people in her house, far too many to play a party game. Instead she organized a game of truth or dare with her glee club friends.

The members of the club sat around in a circle in the middle of Rachel's basement, none particularly eager to spend more time with the drama queen than necessary. "Les plaay never have I ever!" Rachel's suggested inspired a collective groan across the room.

Santana didn't care, though. She waltzed over to Ellie, who was still slightly hurt by the comment about her hair, and dragged her over to the circle of people, only relenting her harsh grip on her arm when the two girls reached the crowd of their peers. Santana then walked over to a table holding up a variety of drinks. She reached to pour one into her red solo cup, but was stopped by a hand.

"I think you've had quite enough to drink tonight, Santana." The brunette girl turned around slowly, a glare obviously present on her face. Santana put a finger up to Ellie's face and rudely said to her, "You are not my Mami, Ellie!" Santana thought about what she said for a minute before looking up into Ellie's face again. A smirk slowly crawled onto the brunette's face, "You can be my Mami if you want to, though. I wouldn't be totally against the idea."

Ellie seemed too stunned to speak, but at the same time, she too was not opposed to the idea Santana had just presented to her. Instead of telling the girl this, she spun on her heel to walk away before Santana could see her blush. In reality, Santana probably wouldn't even notice the change in Ellie's complexion due to the severity of her drunkenness.

While the two girls were bickering/Flirting, Rachel had started her game up. The participants were very bored. Rachel asked the simplest and most dull questions possible. The game stayed boring until one particular question was asked. Rachel said, "Never have I ever had sex." This was a surprise to absolutely nobody. Almost everyone in the circle drank, which was also no surprise giving most of them were already legal adults.

  Some attention was drawn over to Santana's side of the circle, the rest of her classmates waiting for her to drink. She didn't. Everyone was shocked. Santana was just assumed to be a slut. Mike nudged Brittany and asked, "You guys really never had sex?" Brittany rolled her eyes, confirming the question.

  The room went silent for a moment before the game was continued, coming to a close after Tina started to cry at a question. Santana tried to stifle her laughter as Tina glared at her. "Stop being a baby Tina!" Santana let out her laughter and leered at the Asian girl.

   Tina glared at her, muttering under her breath, "At least I'm not a virgin, Santana." Santana tried to be mad, but instead found tear drops running down her face slowly. She turned around, embarrassed, and buried her face into Ellie's side, the blonde girl lightly tapping her on the head.

   "Maybe we should leave, San. This isn't going so well." Santana gave the idea a thought, but decided against it, opting instead for some beer. She stumbled over to a table to grab another drink when she was steered out of the way and out of the house entirely. Before she knew it, Ellie was reaching across her car seat to buckle her in.

   Santana fell asleep not long after. Ellie debated bringing Santana back to her own house, but decided against, knowing Ms Lopez would not approve of the state her daughter was in. Instead she drove home and tucked Santana in under covers she had only slept under twice.

   Ellie looked at the clock and saw that it was already two in the morning. Santana would not be fun when she woke up.

Girlfriends Sister- A Santana Lopez story *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now