A little Crush

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Santana had a very serious problem. She had just totally checked out her Girlfriend's sister. She didn't even feel bad about it. Brittany had been so stupid earlier that night that she didn't even care. She didn't care that it was wrong to have dirty thoughts about Brittany's sister. As Brittany chatted mindlessly about the drama happening in her classes, Santana imagined getting pinned to the wall by Ellie. Ellie whispering dirty thoughts into her ear as she giggled. None of these scenarios involved Brittany.

Snap out of it! What the hell was she thinking? She was happy with her relationship! Why should she ruin it by going after another girl. Even if that girl was super dreamy. And hot. And gorgeous. Regardless, Ellie was Brittany's sister. It just wouldn't work. Brittany started to straddle Santana on her bed. This snapped Santana back to reality pretty quickly.

"Hi baby." Brittany said in a seductive tone. Santana weakly smiled. Brittany huffed. "What the hell is wrong with you San?" Santana looked hurt at Brittany's comment and was brought back to the verge of tears. "Stop fucking crying San. Don't be a baby. Nobody likes a baby." This just brought Santana closer to bawling her eyes out. Something snapped in her. "I'm done! Stop yelling at me Brit!" She stormed out of the room. Brittany didn't even follow her.

Santana walked across the hall to Ellie's room. "What's wrong Santana?" Just the way Ellie said her name had her shivering. "Britt's being mean. Can I sleep here tonight?" Ellie looked down at her and responded, "Of course you can, San." San. Only Brittany called her San. Santana had butterflies in her stomach as she climbed up onto Ellie's bed. "Thanks," Santana murmured. Ellie sighed and looked at her phone to see the time. "It's not even 9 o'clock yet, Santana. Wanna watch a movie?" Santana nodded her head, light tears from earlier still rolling down her cheeks.

   "Aww, it's ok San. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Ellie asked. Santana just shook her head and said, "Let's watch movie." Ellie nodded and turned to the tv in front of her bed. She decided to put on a Disney movie, Frozen to be exact. Santana and Ellie lauded down and watched the movie for about 45 minutes before Santana started to drift off to sleep. Ellie put a blanket over her and then lied down next to her before closing her eyes.

   Brittany was not all too excited to see this when she woke up. She was walking downstairs, assuming Santana had left the night before. That was when she looked into her sisters room in the corner of her eye to see the Latina fast asleep, her sister laying behind her. That was not what infuriated her most, though. It was the hand on her girlfriends ass that bothered her.

She quickly walked to her sisters room before slapping Santana across the face. Santana jumped up and looked around to see who had done it. She was extremely surprised when she saw that it was her girlfriend. "What the hell, Brittany! Why would you do that?" Brittany looked at her with a face of disgust. "Why the hell would you sleep with my sister, San? Why would you let her grope you?" Santana looked at Britt in disbelief, "She wasn't groping me Britt. SHE was being kind to me. Unlike how you were treating me last night. And how you treated me just now! I get it if you're mad, but why would you hit me?"

Brittany tried to keep her composure, but found it too hard to keep calm. "Shut the hell up Santana! I say one rude thing and you freak out! You're impossible to deal with!" At this point Ellie woke up and started to speak before getting interrupted by Brittany, "Don't start with me Ellie. She's my girlfriend. I can handle her! Even if she's being a bitch! Now, get out of my house Santana." Santana was more than willing to leave the Pierce house after the not so friendly confrontation with Brittany. She ran out, tears rolling down her eyes, once again.

Girlfriends Sister- A Santana Lopez story *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now