Are you kidding me!?

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I turned the corner and immediately I was the target of everyone. I was a girl, dressed in weird clothes, exiting the wrong wing, I knew I'd be turning some heads. My eyes scanned the room, looking for a nose-less Gollum wannabe. Instead my attention was drawn to a hot guy, with dark hair and even darker eyes. I could feel the violence radiating from even his fingertips. I might have to deviate from my original goal, cause there was no way I wanted to leave here without that boy following me like a lost puppy.

"Who are you? And why do you look like that?" McHottie was the first to speak. I rolled my eyes dramatically, this boy was cute, there was no way in hell he doesn't have every girl fawning, the best way to hook him is to remember DILLIGAF (Does. It. Look. Like. I. Give. A. Fuck. for those not up to date). "I give you a hint genius." I said sarcastically, gesturing to my outfit. Clearly this worked, his eyes widened slightly as he took the chance to assess my look. "With whom?" He said plainly, though I could feel a sliver of curiousness. I didn't have a good answer so I turned to annoying him. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell." I said, adding some drama to my voice as my fingers gingerly pressed against my chest. Throughout this conversation the other Slytherins sat like penguins, staring at the both of us back and forth.

"Will you at least tell me your name? I've never seen you before." Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome drawled, clearly getting annoyed, but playing it off as disinterest. I figured Janet is a good name for the times, plus I get to reference The Good Place, (Best TV show ever btw anyone who thinks otherwise can fight me. -Your loving Author) and I could easily come up with something. "Janet Wiesel (Pronounced Wise-ell like from Newsies), I'm a Slytherin, I transferred from Beauxbatons, 5th year. That's all you need to know. Although I'd be willing to do an exclusive just for you princess." I said, ending with a little wink. Once again, my 'un-lady-like' attitude stunned both my opponent and our growing audience, as others stopped reading, making out etc. to watch our exchange. It was only now that I remember my current state and how I might look to outsiders, suffice it to say, I had a hard time holding in my laugh.

With no apparent response coming from the boy I took my chance to saunter over to the girls stairs. All he did was watch with a light dusting of pink on his pale cheeks from both embarrassment and flusteration. And as I climbed the stairs I was left giddy for our next encounter.


I heard the dinner bell chime just as I had finished setting my new clothes neatly in my drawer. I wasn't usually one to be clean, however the army fold had recently become my new obsession.  I waited a good couple of minutes before finally heading down, most people would already be in the dinner hall by now, meaning that I wouldn't get trampled. As I made my way down I shouldered past a particularly dark haired prat. He sent me a glare before he realized it was me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into another hallway even though there wasn't anyone there to begin with. 

"Need something?" I questioned nonchalantly, hopping to come off as bored or unimpressed. "Yes, first off you aren't wearing the uniform, second that outfit is not school appropriate, and third why the fuck are you here, I've never seen you before in my life and suddenly you come barreling down MY section of the stairs looking like you just got fucked, CLAIMING to be some sort of transfer student even though the teachers would have made a big deal out of it if that were the case." It took me a minute to be sure he was finished before I started. "One, I don't give a fuck about the uniform. Two refer to the first answer." I said before ripping myself from his hold, returning to my path to the dining hall. I purposely ignored the last question, honestly I wasn't to sure how I should respond to that one.

Either way I knew that boy would be chasing me in no time. Although, at the time I had no idea how hard he'd be running. For if I had, I surely would would have steered clear of the lunatic.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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