A Watch? Really?

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When I got back with the essentials (Food and weapons) Dumbledore walked me to the Slytherin dorms where I would be staying in order to get closer to Tom. " I must warn you Slytherins back then were not the kindest people in the world." Dumbledore stated suddenly. I stopped walking, crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. He froze too and eyed my outfit, I had on a black corest looking crop top held to my chest by thin straps, this was accompanied by a white miniskirt and 4 inch black boot heels the laced up to the bottom of my knees before finally coming to rest his eyes on my chest length dirty blonde hair with half of it shaved off. "Good point, I should have asked you to go easy on them, they are only 1900s boys." He said continuing towards the dorms. I rolled my eyes in response, following him. "We'll see, it honestly depends on whether or not they deserve it." I said catching up with him.

We made it to the dorms, he said the racist password and stepped inside, offering his hand to me. I simply scoffed, ignoring the help and burst in. Malfoy was definitely complaining about me, his hair still wet from the shower probably. He immediately went silent, sending me a glare. I just walked past, puffing out my chest in pride, sending him a complimentary middle finger. Dumbledore led me to where I would be staying. I was shocked when I found out it was a men's dorm. "Umm I think you're confused, I'm supposed to be in the other wing." I said pointing to the girl's dorms. He smiled and handed me a watch. "Yes I should have explained, we need to give you your best chance at changing Tom, so you will share your dorm with him. And before you ask, yes you can change your name, I know how much you despise it." I pumped my fist in excitement. "Ok so how does this work?" I asked, holding out the watch that was now on my wrist.

"The number in the middle is how many jumps you have left, you can only jump back and forth 8 times. The numbers at the top is how many years you will be jumping back, the arrow at the bottom tells you whether you're jumping forward or back. The number of years back will be less than the number of years forward-" "Yes I know how math works." I interrupted. "So when you are ready you can change the year." He said, ignoring my comment. When I turned to change the time. The old man grabbed my wrist. "The fate of the world rests on you succeeding, you only have 7 chances to get this right, otherwise you could come back to a world that's even worse than before, if you even come back at all. Good luck Miss. Reven, and make wise choices." He practically whispered before disappearing to do headmaster stuff. "Ya no pressure at all Milly, just the whole world on your shoulders." I grumbled rolling my eyes and the psycho sack of wrinkles. I took a deep breath and twisted the knob.


I opened my eyes that I hadn't realized had closed to a dingier version of the dorm I was currently in. I first 'wise' choice I made was to leave immediately before anyone noticed. I was NOT about to spend who knows how long with a bunch of smelly 1940s boys. The specific year was 1941. Voldy is my age and just recently hit puberty. I ran back out and slowed my pace before entering the common area. I ruffled my hair, unbuttoned my pants leaving the zipper untouched, and slid one of my not sleeves down. I knew what I was implying. I was giving myself an excuse without the downfall of talking to others. 

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