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A/N: Please note that even though Daiki is a girl, I'm refereing to him as a male while he is cross-dressing, meaning I'm addressing him with 'him' or 'his'


Flashback to the year where Yona was 6 and Soo-won and Hak were age 9


"Soo-won! Wait for me!" cried six-year-old-Yona chasing after Soo-won who just arrived.

Soo-won turned around. "Yona! Its been a while." Soo-won said with his friendly smile. Hak trailed behind Yona, bored.

None of the young and currently naive children were aware of there future or the encounter of someone who plays a big part in it.


Couple minutes later at dinner...


Yona, Soo-won, and Hak were having dinner when King II came in.

"Yona dear, I want you to meet someone." King II said with his usual smile. Yona looked up, so did Soo-won and Hak.

They saw a small boy with black hair, around there age, they tried to see his face, but all they saw was a black and blue mask they've only seen dancers wear.

The boy turned his face to Yona, and bowed. "It is a honor to meet you Princess Yona." He said in a soft, soothing voice, much like Soo-won's.

Yona was scared, because besides his relaxing voice, he seemed emotionless, not to mention his mask thing was kind of creepy. Yona ran behind Soo-won and Hak.

Hak seemed suspicious while Soo-won was curious. King II looked a little amused for a second, "Yona dear, this is Daiki, he is going to be one of your main servants."

Yona looked annoyed and scared at the same time.

"No!! I don't want him to be my main servant! He looks scary!" Soo-won looked at Yona, "Yona-chan, your going to hurt Daiki-kun's feelings." Yona looked sorry for a second, but her stubbornness and spoiled personality outweighed it.

Daiki was silent. King II claimed to have some business to do (that coward...) so he had to leave. "Soo-won, Hak. Take care of them, but I'm sure that Daiki can take care of himself."

Soo-won and Hak nodded, Daiki again was silent, his only sign of acknowledgement was a slight bow, while Yona pouted, and went behind Soo-won again. After King II left, it was only Daiki, Yona, Hak, and Soo-won in the room.

Cue the high-tension, suspicious, and kind of awkward atmosphere.

Daiki sighed, and walked towards Yona who was cowering behind Hak and Soo-won, Daiki stopped in front of them. "Princess Yona, I think its best if you continue to eat your dinner before it gets cold." 

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