Why? (Jett And Mark)

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Mark and Jett PLATONIC.
Genre: Angst With Fluff At The End Cause I Love Mark Too Much-
"Jett?" I ask looking up at Jett he jumped...Weird. "Wha?" Jett said looking at me. "Are you okay? You seem so...Tense." I said looking at him suspiciously. "Oh! I'm fine!!" Jett said looking at me.
"THE PERSON WHO KILLED GRACE IS NON OTHER THAN THE ULTIMATE DRAG RACER, JETT!" Damon yelled pointing at Jett. "Wait. We're probably wrong." I said calmly but really I'm panicking

"Don't cover up for him!! It's clear he killed Grace!" Wolfgang said looking at me. "Mhm.." Toshiko said shyly looking to the side.

"No. We're wrong." I said sternly."Woah- That was a biggg tone change" Kai said surprised. "I'm sorry Mark but the only person-" "SHUT UP!" I yell. "AAAAAAAA!" Eloise screamed surprised. "ITS NOT JETT OKAY?! HE CANT HE-" "I did." Jett said looking at the ground ashamed. "What...Why?! Why??!!! You said you would never hurt anyone!!" I yelled at him. I was angry. Really angry.

"I'm sorry Mark..Grace..She..She came out of nowhere! And my body reacted on its own..." He said pausing a bit. "...Sniff..." I started crying so much. "!...Hey..Don't Cry.." Ulysses said looking at me sadly. "Well! Well! I think it's time to vote!" Tozu said from the speakers. "WAIT NO-STOP!" I yelled out.

'Jett Has Sinned! Time For Him To Repent'
I couldn't watch. I kept crying so much. Jett was like a father to me better than mine. 'If I stayed with him longer then maybe I could've saved him..' Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Ulysses hugged me. "Please let it all out" He said. I sobbed into his shoulder. "What if I made it sooner?! I could've saved him!!" I said sobbing still. "Shhh...I don't think Jett would want you so sad" Ulysses said. "...Yeah..." I said wiping me tears. "Thank You..." I said. "It's fine..Zzzz" Ulysses said slowly falling back to sleep.

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