Artificial Flavoring (Ulysess x Cassidy)

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Genre: Fluff
Ulysses is cute ngl-
"So these are...Energy drinks?" Ulysses asked the gamer girl who nodded happily. "Yup! They help me get pumped up when I'm in a hard match!" She said holding up peace signs. "Ah..I see." Ulysses said, opening his notebook and flipping through its pages. "Are you gonna write down what energy drinks are-" Cassidy said. "Precisely" Ulysses said, writing down something in his notebook. Cassidy sighed. "Anyways! Here try one!" She said grabbing a strawberry one. "Ah..I don't like strawberries.." Ulysses said, adjusting his glasses. "Eh? But that's the besttt flavor! Plus if Damon Heard that he'd kick your ass" The Red Head Said Putting The Drink Down. "Do you have Orange?" Ulysses asked. "Hm? Oh yeah! Here" Cassidy said grabbing a can and tossing it or Ulysses. "Ah Thank You." Ulysses said opening the can and drinking the contents within. This made Ulysses's eyes light up. "It's...Good!" Ulysses said surprised. "Hahaha! Told ya !!" Cassidy said holding out a peace sign. "Thank you Cass" Ulysses said. Cassidy looked surprised then said. "Hehe..No Problemo!" Cassidy said. If you were to look closely you could see her cheeks slowly grow red.

I'm so sorry this is so short I just wanted to get something out 😭

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