Part thirteen

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I woke up with the sun hitting my face reminding me of a dream I had my first day of school where my dad made me my favorite breakfast and drove me to school like a regular dad. But none of it was true it felt like a normal day until I looked at my closet then I think back at last night events. There was only one person that can help me the only one who would understand.

"Judd I need your help."

Judd picked me up and take me to this dead street. I was surprised he even came at all but I bet with all the phone calls I left. We sat in silence for a minute I had my old raggedy bag with all the fentanyl in it.

"We're here what the hell do you want now?"

I take a deep breath trying not to cry again I slowly pull out one of the baggies. Judd's face lit up he instantly grabs my hand and pushes the bag back in the bag.

"Why the hell do you have that?"

I showed him the letter I keep my eyes on the window to not face him if I have any tears left in me. It took him a minute then he grabbed my arm to turn me to face him.

"Bailey I swear to god if you were caught with these do you know how much time you would get."

"I know." I said quietly

"Looks like it."

"Why do you care you don't even like me just take me home maybe I will get caught." I got out leaving the drugs behind

I could hear Judd hit his steering wheel grunting he got slamming his door coming to the other side. He pinned me against his car out of anger I try to fight myself away from his arms but he hold still with a straight face.

"Let me go! Just let me go! Please let me go!" I begged not knowing I had tears streaming down my face

Judd's grip went loose he pulled me to his chest I didn't know what to think but I put my arms around his waist letting myself cry into his chest it might be weak and pathetic but my mom and now my dad has broken me into pieces I can't even explain. After awhile of staying in the same position I pull away wiping my eyes with eyeliner down my cheeks.

"I look like a mess sorry for the outburst I should really go home." I said trying to lighten the mood

"No, I don't trust you being alone right now your coming with me."

"What no I can't let Leah see me like this I already hate that I cried in front of you."

"Who said we were going to my house I am taking you somewhere else."

"Judd please I don't feel like going anywhere."

"Does it look like I care." He said crossing his arms

I knew there was no point of arguing so I took a deep breath wiping my eyes ones more times then turning my back to him not wanting him to see me like this.


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