He Shall Pass

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"I'd like to nominate this award to my reformed Orthodox Rabbi, Bill Clinton."

Applause erupted from the stage as Matan Even said the iconic line. Matan smiled in peace, for he knew his life mission had been accomplished.

 Matan smiled in peace, for he knew his life mission had been accomplished

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A sudden jerk caused Matan to return to reality. It had been a dream -- and in a few hours the dream would become reality.

The bus was driving for half an hour, and at last had reached the station before the Game Awards Convention Center.

Matan stepped out of the bus and observed the scene. Throngs of attendants were already gathering around the building. Getting in would be a hard task.

Well, hard for a regular person. But Matan was no ordinary kid -- he was the Bill Clinton Kid!

He sauntered into the area with the exaggerated swagger of a teenager with big dreams. There he was stopped by a security guard.

"Hold it right there. What are you doing here, kid?" The security guard spoke bluntly in a gruff voice.

"I just want to join the ceremony." Matan casually replied.

"This event isn't for kids. Why don't you turn around and head back to the playground?" The security guard sneered at Matan.

"That's enough, James." A deep voice boomed suddenly behind the security guard.

" A deep voice boomed suddenly behind the security guard

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The security guard jumped and turned around in horror. "M-Mister Holds," stammered the frightened man.

"James, didn't I tell you that anyone with a pass can enter this building?" Mister Holds, presumably the manager of the convention, said.

James nervously asked for a pass from Matan, who procured it with confidence. Upon seeing it, James motioned to the main entrance. "Alright, you can go in."

As Matan moved into the building, he turned around to look again at the man who had help him, but Mister Holds, as quickly as he appeared, had disappeared, like a shadow in the night...

The Adventures of Bill Clinton KidWhere stories live. Discover now