chapter 1: family angst...

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Furry ame (au): dream, why do you need more storys? You have enou-

Meh:SHUT UP DEAR FURRY~ I like new story's~

Ray(human dream): this is why mom is protective..

Ds: wow so new...

Okay anyways, welcome to crazy A$$ kids! It's about the f**king states!!

Now to know more info read the description, now let's start!


(Missouri POV)

My sister/my twin is fighting with Florida, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, most of the other south states.

Am in the Midwest so I don't get involved in the south fights, even though my sis/twin is in it...

"You okay Missouri your watching them fight again..."my brother said as one other came

These two are the I twins, Illinois and Indiana.

"Oh am fine Illinois, it's just, Mississippi is always getting in the south's fight" I said as Indiana pat my shoulder.

"It's okay sis, we have fights to, just not Midwest fights!" Indiana said as Illinois nodded.

"Am going to find Wisconsin now...Bye!" I said as they waved and I walked to Michigan's and Wisconsin's room. (That are twins I forgot to say that, also not all the kids are twins)

"Oh Missouri, nice to see you, I thought Delaware said he was trying to find you?" Michigan said as Wisconsin came down to my level.

"Good afternoon sis!" He said as I waved.

"Good after noon to you too Wisconsin!" I said as he hugged me.

"So Missouri, have you read Bud, not Buddy yet?" Michigan asked, she loves that book, due to bud being from her state...

"Yes I have, I finished it last night..." I said as she still sat on her bed.

"Missouri, can we go outside, I want to play!" Wisconsin said as I nodded and ran outside to see some of my other siblings.

The New twins talking, new Mex hanging with Mexico(he knows about them), I also saw uncle Canada holding a sleeping dad inside.

"Good afternoon Missouri and Wisconsin!" Uncle canadie said

"Good afternoon to you to uncle Canada/canadie" me and Wisconsin said.

"Your dad passed out on me, so am just taking him to bed now, bye!" Uncle said as we waved bye back.

"So Missouri, let's play on the swings!" Wisconsin said as I got pulled over there...

||Few hours later||

(Mississippi POV)

Me and the south states just stoped our fight, I looked for Missouri and saw no one here.

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