Chapter 2: The M's asses! (Minnesota & Montana)

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Hello and welcome back to crazy a$$ kids!


Minnesota and Montana so here we are!

So how about we start now??


(Montana POV)

I woke up and saw my twin hugging me, i remember she had a nightmare last night, my twin sister is so cute when she is asleep. . .

"hmm, s-sister?" she started to wake up, i was still hugging her, she smiled when she sees me.

"good morning Minnesota^^" I said as we both smiled and i sat up, so did she

"Mont thanks for staying with me when i had a bad nightmare. . ." Minnesota said as we did another hug.

"your welcome Minne/Minnie, lets head downstairs and see if dad has finished breakfast^^" I said as she nodded and we walked downstairs

we got down to see the first 13 plus the I twins (Illinois and Indiana), we walked into the kitchen to see dad cooking pancakes.

"Good morning Minnesota and Montana, I just started on breakfast for everyone, I'm also better from what happened last night. . .canada helped me" dad said as we nodded and sat down, me helping Minnie/Minne onto her seat since she is a bit small, but thats the cute thing about her ^^.

Soon most of my other siblings like, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, ect, and soon we all ate breakfast together for once in a while as a family then after words some head to their rooms, outside, or stay inside but downstairs.

Minnie and I headed outside to hang around the flowers with Hawaii and Alaska because Hawaii likes flowers and Alaska protects her all the time, plus (in my au) they are "dating" because they are not siblings of each other, they say tho count as out siblings and dads children-

We hang out with them most of the day, until lunch to eat, then we head to our room. . .

Minnie is on her bed, I'm on mine but Idaho is in here with me to hang out, while minnie is by herself on her bed not with anyone until one of the midwest states take her which is weird because if they normally need her they tell me. . .

"I'm sorry Idaho I need to see where they are taking Minnie. . ." I said getting up and he nodded

"Thats fine. . .I'll head back to my room now^^" He got up and headed out of the room to his own while i followed Minnie and Iowa, who took her.

(Minnesota POV)

Iowa took me for the midwest meeting we have every week once a day of a week, we talk about our farm areas, our people, and if we had a bad storm or tornados in our state

"Ok so, Welcome to out Midwest Meeting! Kansas your first, Iowa Make sure no other states/Siblings watching" Illinois said as Iowa nodded and Kansas started talking about how good her farms are and about the many storms they got over the week and Iowa found my twin watching.

"Your turn twin sis!" Illinois said pointing to Indiana, and she started to talk very slowly and softly

After a few hours it ended and i headed back to my room and laid on my bed but Montana grabbed me.

"Where were you! and Why was I not aloud to watch or look at you all?!" She yelled at me making me hold my ears

"w-we just h-h-had a l-little meeting a-a-about our states f-fine in culture and f-f-farmlands-" I stuttered scared still from her yelling. . .

"oh- I'm sorry Minnie, I didnt mean to yell or sound mean/rude. . ." she hugs me and I smile and nod.

"its ok twinie^^" I hugged her back and I soon fell asleep on top of her

(Montana POV)

Minnie soon fell asleep on top of my lap and I laid her down on her bed and headed to my desk to work on some state work I have while she was asleep and I hanged out with some other west and south states downstairs, and father since he was downstairs to

he was being watched by Uncle Canada since he is still a bit unstable from yesterday night, and i stayed downstairs, watching TV with west states, and the Love duo (Hawaii and Alaska). -O-

it was boring downstairs but I'm not aloud out due to no other country should know about us, and its dark outside. . .

"yo Montana why aren't you with Minnesota, in your guys rooms?" Idaho asked as he was right next to me asking.

"I came down here because she fell asleep and I have nothing to do but come down here to hang out with my family." I said as he nodded.

"want to come to my room which i share with Wyoming (not twins just share a room to make it that everyone but twins have their own rooms)" He asked as I nodded following him to his room and in it he has a desk with lots of papers, a computer, and Wyoming's tablet

"So what would you like to play on my computer, Montana?" Idaho asked as i tried to think of a computer game he has.

"How about the Sims? Got that?" I asked as he looked on steam for the game on his libary, and nodded after finding it after looking though over 50 games.

"Yep, the sims 4 on steam: A free game, here you can play while i watch" Idaho said as i nodded, ran up the game and started to play for around 2 hours.

After 2 hours i stopped because a crying Minnesota came to the room hugging me.

"What happened this time sister?" I asked as she cried a lot, and stuttered.

"n-n-night-m-mare sissy. . ." She said as i hugged her and Idaho went 'Awww' and i picked her up holding her like a child who would fall asleep while their parents carry them.

I soon took her to our room and laid her in bed and was about to leave again but then she stopped me.

"c-c-can you stay sissy. . .? or get daddy. . .?" She said as I nodded and laid next to her to help her fall back to sleep. . .

I guess im like her plushy who keeps her calm during sleep or nightmare's. . .

Oh Minnesota. . .I love you (Sisterly)


Thats the end for now everyone^^

Hoped you enjoyed this new part because it took me i think around a month so

have a good day or night
(almost midnight here 11:51PM)


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