Chapter 3: Midwest chaos (Michigan and Wisconsin)

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Hehe been some time lets start now because BORED DUMB! (hehe joke)

Idk what else to put lets just


(Michigan POV)

I'm just siting on the chair that i sit at during out meeting but gosh man my sister talks too much, the sister i have that shares a room with me, Wisconsin, I dont understand why dad gave me the most talkative sibling, and our Midwest meetings! I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WE HAVE THESE!

"Mich? its your turn to talk about everything that has happened in your state for the week." Illinois said as they all looked at me. . .

"Cant do mine this meeting, maybe next week" then I put my head down.

"You never DO it ever Micky" I heard someone say and I looked up and saw everyone looking at Kansas. . .

"Call. Me. Micky. Again." I said staring at her hardly to the point where its a staring contest.

"M.I.C.K.Y" She said as I jumped onto the table and we had another fight. . .I was in another last meeting with North Dakota, about something in the past. . .

Soon the oldest siblings/Midwest states stopped me and Kansas. . .

"LET ME GO ILLINOIS!" Kansas yelled at Illinois but he didn't let go, ive been in many fights to understand not to yell something like that or get to the point dad needs to come in, plus if he did we all know he doesnt like our meetings since he finds it like his job he hates but we all understand so we hide this from everyone else. . .

Soon we stop, Kansas still gets to his seat and is in the meeting while i have to go to my room and my other siblings question why i came out early but i didnt answer. . .I sat on my bed and tried to fall asleep. . .

(Wisconsin POV after Mich leaves)

I watch Mich leave, they are the sibling I share a room with for some reason but i felt bad but i had to stay till the end of the meeting, since we must hear everyone's thing to learn how to fix it, but that depends on what it is, if its weather then we must listen for us to learn what to do when ever it happens again

I was right after Mich's turn but after that all happen, no one cared what happened because he left. . .

"Anyways, Wiscon very good job before what happened, thats everyone, but now we must talk about the weather we have been having these days, Iowa, or Minnesota, would one of you guys like to go first?" Illinois asked as Iowa raised his hand and started to talk about his weather of the week. . .

hm sometimes i hate having these meeting, so does mich but he makes fights. . .

Soon it gets to me. . .

"Oh um normal weather, sunny, some clouds at times, sometimes rain, not that bad for me, so nothing bad, anyone else can go now" I said as everyone nodded and we continued to have the meeting for another hour talking about stuff.

After it was over i headed to our room, to see Mich is covered with his blankets but not asleep yet. . .

"Mich are you alright Brother?" I asked as I sat on his bed and he got uncovered and stared/looked at me. . .then a pet his hand.

"Im fine. . .thanks sister. . ." He said as i smiled at him and he smiled back, I hugged him and went downstairs to get lunch since its around lunch time

I went down to see dad making food with Delaware. . .

he always gets the older siblings to do work for dad while we only the younger ones, do other things! 

Soon lunch is here and almost everyone is here well mich is not because of what happened but i bring him lunch. . .

I like helping my siblings. . .

even the bad ones, because no one deserves to have a 2nd chance. . .

People would say im a nice sibling of everyone, unless you meet my sibling who is the shy-est of us all: Indiana. She needs her twin with her EVERY where with her, eh- I dont even have a twin so i dont even need to unless Mich needed it but he never does. . .

I head to our room put the food on the stand next to our bed/bunk bed, and leave to go to my fav sibling.

South Dakota.

Shes better then her twin North Dakota, i mean he is not bad just, sometimes acts like Illinois being a leader to us lots of times but his twin, South Dakota is better then him, with not doing thay.

I soon head to her room that she shares with him because they are twins, like yeah lol

(Michigan POV)

I watched my sibling put my lunch, and left, I knew she is going to South Dakotas room with North, since they are very good with each other.

I get up and start to eat and Kansas comes in and i look at her. . .

"What are you doing in my room FLAT LAND!" I said as she looked dead eyed at me.

"what ever, dad just wanted me to tell you, he is going out to work or something and the first 13 are looking over everyone, i must tell everyone micky, and fight me again and ill tell dad!" She said as i nodded.

I watched her leave and looked out my window to see dad leave. . .HE LEAVES EVERY DAY FOR WORK- oh wait thats just work nvm, but we sometimes dont like the 13 watching us all the time. . .

I mean i hate it. . .

Anyways I see the sun is kind of setting so now I guess i must head to sleep since dad makes us sometimes go to sleep early.

Well goodnight, and before i go to sleep i do see wiscon come and get up into her bed

"Goodnight sis" "Goodnight Bro" we said to each other and went to sleep. . .


Sorry if ending is rushed because it was, its close to my bedtime even tho am a teen my parents dont want me sleepy at school, but:

have a good day and night
(its my bedtime rn but i cant tell lol)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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