Day One As A Crown Princess ❀

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Mae-In put the blankets over her head to block the sunlight. Refreshing morning sunlight was flooding the room she was sleeping in.

She groaned and turned to the other side. Her back hurt for she was sleeping in a stiff position the entire night. She rubbed her temple and slowly opened her eyes. A godly face lay in front of her eyes, sleeping soundly in comfort.

Mae-In screamed and jolted up. She took a few minutes to recall what had happened last night as her mind kept jamming up. She sighed when she remembered it all.

The Crown Prince hearing her scream sat up with a confused face. He had puffy cheeks, his hair was messy and his pouty lips made him look like he was pouting. Unlike how a Crown Prince should look, he looked like a boy.

He stared at her with his sleepy eyes for a while before he got his mind around the situation. He wasn't used to walking up to a girl sitting on his bed.

"Why are you screaming so early in the morning?" He rubbed his eyes and Mae-In couldn't help but call him cute in her mind.

"Why won't I?! You snatched away my blanket the whole night. The cold made me stiff and now I have a backache." She scowled at him.

"Pardon, but it was you who kept snatching my blanket away. I kept shivering the whole night," he told her.

"What?! If I did so, I would wake up to have the blanket to myself but I woke up having no blanket wrapped over me! Don't lie, Your Highness!" Mae-In yelled.

"I didn't lie. You were the one who started fighting for the blanket," he replied. He was telling the truth. They did fight over a blanket in their sleep.

Mae-In scowled at him again. "Fine! Here, take your blanket back!" She threw the blanket at his face and walked away to the door. She opened the door, stepped outside and slammed the door shut again. "Thank you for the night, Your Highness!" she called firmly, bowed and left.

Last night was awkward, very awkward. Things were very heavy between them and they needed a conversation to lighten the awkwardness. But it seemed like their words clashed with each other whenever they tried to converse.

As Mae-In started walking towards her room in Gyeongchunjeon, several eunuchs and maids stared at her, as to why the Crown Princess was stomping towards her quarters this early in the morning without her attendants instead of being in the Crown Prince's room. But none of them came forward to attend to her too.

On her way, Mae-In met Tae-Sak. Though she was surprised at first, she started beaming from ear to ear after seeing her after the night of her marriage. "Your Highness! How was the night? Did you enjoy it?" she asked.

Mae-In threw a fit and said, "Tae-Sak! You know I would never in my right mind do that!" Tae-Sak flinched. She bowed and apologised, "I am sorry, Your Highness! Please spare my life!"

Mae-In was taken aback by Tae-Sak's behaviour before realizing she was expected to not spare her life. "It's okay... I just told you. I will never order to punish you for such a petty thing."

"So, what did youㅡ what happened, Your Highness?" Tae-Sak asked.

"I slept," Mae-In said, blushing.

"And? You didn't kiss?" Tae-Sak asked, hopefully.

"Tae-sak! Cut it and stop talking about it!" Mae-In flicked Tae-Sak's forehead.

"Ow! Okay, sorry, Your Highness!" She rubbed her forehead.

"I want to go back to my room, let's go."
They started walking.

"Oh, Your Highness!" Tae-Sak suddenly exclaimed. "I will be going back to the Jung household today."

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