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Yoshida met Denji for the very first time when they bumped into each other while walking the busy halls of their school. He didn't think much of the blonde boy apart from the fact that he was definitely a character. He was rowdy, loud, and totally fucking impolite. Yelling about people never looking where they're going when it was all his fucking fault. (not Yoshida's but that short blond motherfucker) He hadn't even apologized for nearly causing the raven haired to drop all of his belongings on the dirty school floor. Yoshida muttered a 'fuck you' under his breath, slightly hoping it was loud enough for the other to hear.

Only after that little exchange did Yoshida realize that he and the blonde boy shared classes together, and not just one class but almost every single fucking one. He honestly almost cried, how'd he (someone so admirably smart) manage to get stuck in a class with someone so dumb?

After about a month of watching Denji from a safe distance, as per the fact that they sat quite close to each other, he realized just how much he missed the days when he had no idea that Denji existed. His presence alone ruined Yoshida's day; he was an eyesore without even trying. Always gawking over girls who wanted nothing to do with him, sleeping through most of his classes, being a slacker with classwork, and getting into unnecessary trouble like a lowly delinquent. (why fight so much without reason Denji?)

Denji is nothing more than a dumbass, who's insanely unpopular, and with Yoshida being so observant, he can't help but notice all of the blonde's little habits. (why does he pay so much attention to someone he apparently dislikes? Don't ask him be doesn't know) ((he will deny all allegations)) With how close their chair proximities are now, which is actually like one row ahead, (how hadn't he noticed such an unruly person before), he can hear the blonde boys snoring. It's so noisy and annoying and it throws him off. And if that wasn't enough, he also drools! (Nasty) It's something so disgusting and totally unsanitary to do in a school setting but to each their own.

Yoshida also notes how whenever Denji is awake, hardly ever, he's always zoned the fuck out. (Staring at the white wall, like what's so interesting Denji?) And if he's not doing that he's making snarky remarks about how school sucks, (like if you hate it so much why are you here?) He's a fucking menace to society is what he is, his existence alone is so motherfucking irritating.

Though he's sorta got an artsy side (he doodles sometimes and Yoshida will admit he's not that bad) ((maybe it's kinda cute)) but no obviously it makes him so much worse like maybe pay attention instead Denji!! Maybe that will do ya some good (you know finally getting something through that thick skull of yours)

He also plays with his fingers a lot when he's nervous; which Yoshida's noticed is all because of tests (as if it's not obvious he'll fail) but he guesses even stupid people have testing anxiety. And he's so painfully dumb, so much so that he's always the last one in their whole class to finish (however Denji tries his best to no avail, always failing)((why does he even try?))

As Yoshida continues with his borderline stalker behavior, he gets to know the blonde boy better from a distance (why are you so interested in him huh?) He most definitely doesn't like him or anything (or does he?) Denji is just a tad bit of an interesting individual is all. (why not try do befriend him tho?) Like why does he behave the way he does?

Why does he do little arts and crafts projects when he's bored? Why does he always fluff his hair up when he's trying to listen to what the teacher is saying? (it seems he's trying to better himself grade wise) Why is he (not) cute?

No of course he's everything but pretty! He's an infuriating person with a pretty good music taste..

How does Yoshida know this? Well he is quite sharp-eyed is all. He's only sharp when interested though (¿?) And it seems both boys share quite a few things in common! Like Denji's cute little chainsaw man phone charm, Yoshida has one just like his! (really why not be his friend Yoshi?)

Eventually he decides it's time to put his grudge behind and maybe talk to Denji one on one (he's scared shitless though) ((why is talking to people so intimidating?))

They will be friends and absolutely nothing more. (he's so for real this time) And so he finally talks to the blonde boy, swallowing his pride as he'd promised himself to never talk to him in a buddy buddy way.

To his surprise he wasn't actually half bad, he was kinda nice (and cute!) ((maybe..))

The way it all went down was during gym class (the only class Denji is lowkey good at) The raven haired tapped the other's shoulder, clearing his throat and saying hello. From then on they striked a pretty good convo about the new chapter of a manga they both liked. (see wasn't so hard now was it?)

Yoshida kind of liked talking to someone for a change (he has no friends) ((yes he's popular but a popular loner is what he is))

Two loners could actually be good friends (right?)

And so Denji became the lone wolf's (yet quite popular) first friend

(Yoshida will admit he was a bit skeptical at first but that soon changed)

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