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Yoshida would never say that he actually enjoyed having Denji around. (I mean he did like hate him a few days ago) ((maybe it was just a silly little dumb grudge he regrets now when looking back)) But he will say that Denji is actually a fun person (take the fun part from someone who's a total bore) and maybe he should've given the boy a chance way earlier.

The black haired boy feels like he shouldn't have been so judgy from the the start (but he's a judgy person by nature after all) ((what other personality would he have if not for the judgyness??))

Like Denji's good friend despite the never actually listening because his head is in the clouds part. It's funny (cute) how Yoshida's always the one snapping the boy back into reality. Denji also isn't as annoying as Yoshida had made him out to be in his head, (and he's also good-looking) ((Yoshida, however, will never admit that part))

Like any other teenage boy, Denji obviously liked playing video games (though a bit too poor to afford the newer ones) This was a common interest between the two boys, so Yoshida came up with the brilliant idea of playing games together at his house (yes his house!) ((yes just the two of them))

"It could be fun Den." (yes they were in fact at the nickname stage) ((so fast))

Yoshida would go so far as to say that they're best friends (absolutely nothing more) ((is what he'd like to think))

"I've never been to anyone's house before," the blond boy replied

'And I've never had anyone over...'

'There's a first for everything bro," is what Yoshida told both himself and Denji.


Denji and Yoshida decided they would have their little hangout (date ¿?) on Saturday, which was the day that worked best for both of them.

It's actually the only day Denji isn't busy because he'd already made previous plans with his siblings. (Yes he has siblings!) ((one that he lives with))

Yoshida definitely thought he was an all-round loner. (like does Denji really look like the type to be out and about with a brother and sister?) ((not really, at least not to him)

"He's a nuisance but he's pretty cool I guess." Is what Denji said about his older brother, "he takes care of me and my sis and that's enough for me to act my best when he's around." Yoshida nods

"I have to follow dumbass rules tho," he rolls his eyes as he explains the shit he has to put up with sometimes.

Denji having rules to follow was something super unexpected for Yoshida to hear. The blonde boy seems like the type to just do whatever shit he wants whenever he wants, (like head empty no thoughts too)

But it's kinda (cute) cool how Denji looks up to his older brother, apart from being a bit of a rule hater of course.

He's supposedly trying to do better with school to try and make him proud.  Apparently he's getting into less trouble (guess he's for real about this change) maybe sleeping less too. (Has he actually done it? Who knows) ((most likely not though...))

Denji's also (supposedly) paying attention now, and I quote, "maybe thatwill help me get smarter!" said with a huge prideful smile on his face.

But with his very short attention span he'd just hear a couple words and then dip, basically tuning everything else out.

With this sudden urge to change, (that hopefully lasts a while and isn't like a two time thing) Yoshida feels like he should be a good friend and help Denji out. You know help him study and go over notes, because for sure Denji knows not one thing about studying. Also keeping him awake, reminding him of deadlines, maybe keep up with his classwork, and basically things as such. (the black haired boy could play assistant for a while cus after all he's really good with that sort of stuff)

"I'll help you out Den." that's a promise

Has he ever cared about someone as much as he does Denji? Maybe not (actually a super confirmed no) ((Denji is like his first ever friend..))

In the short span of time that they've been friends they've grown quite close and he can't help but feel like he needs to make the blonde boy happy as best he can.

Whether it's just friends (which he'll convince himself is the only way for them two) or anything else, he will try to keep a smile on Denjis face.

"You're a good friend man ya know that!"

"You're wayyyy cooler than all of my past friends dude."



"So tell me about your sister Denji," the black haired boy says. He'd heard a lot about Aki, Denji's older brother, but not anything about his younger sister Power.

And so Denji begins talking about his younger sister who also seems to be quite the character,

"So you think I'm dumb? Bro wait til you meat her," he laughs

"She's stupid as hell, can't even go to school with us cus she's just that slow."

"She also packs a really fuckin' mean bite, that shit hurts."

"She's really funny tho I'm sure if you get to know her you'd like her." Yoshida hums in response

"I see." Is all the black haired boy says in response.

What an interesting family, no wonder the blonde is the way he is..

Also remind Yoshida to never get in Power's bad side (like ever)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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