Chapter 10- moving on

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This is a bit of a heavier chapter with touchy subjects.
This is the finale.
"Tread carefully. Mildred hasn't stopped crying," Miss Cackle said quietly to Hecate and Pippa as they began following her towards Mildred Hubble's room. "That means no foul remarks from you, Hecate."
Hecate was nervous, for she had never seen the girl as upset as she knew she was about to. She prepared herself, promising herself that this time she wouldn't make the situation worse, whatever she did. Having Pippa there helped. She always knew exactly how to tend to the young witches, to teach them with smiles and sensitivity.

Indigo had briefed Miss Cackle on all that transpired- how she followed Ethel to see what she was going to do to Mildred. Miss Cackle had almost gone back to talk to Mildred herself, but considered this to be a job for Hecate somehow. Ada knew that behind Hecate's toughness she was perhaps the only one who could help Mildred now. She was the only one who understood what it was like turning a loved one to stone. She could say what she wanted, but Ada knew the truth. She'd threatened expulsion on Mildred, but Mildred somehow always managed to just pass all of Hecate's tests. Ada also knew it was no coincidence that Mildred was kept up in her old bedroom. Mildred reminded Hecate of herself, and in an odd way, she liked that.

Hecate stopped a little bit before they reached Mildred's room. She had spent hours crying in that room when she was a pupil, too, without the knowledge of any of the staff. She would cry herself to sleep thinking about all the silly mistakes she had made, wishing she could be an excellent witch. Of course-she had become one, but it didn't feel how she thought it would. She was very talented but it almost didn't seem to matter now. She was empty and cold hearted and not at all liked and that was never the witch she had intended on being. She would've rather remained like mildred Hubble-kind hearted and dedicated.
"Perhaps it would be best if we fetched Mildred's friends," Hecate suggested. "They might be more...comforting." Mildred had just yelled at her and caused her the most wicked witch in the forest. Hecate still wasn't sure why Ada seemed to think she would be the best source of comfort for the girl.
"I've sent Indigo on to notify Maud and Enid," Ada explained softly. "However, I've sent strict word for them not to interact with Mildred yet. It is a sensitive matter, dear Hecate. The young witches are well intended, but I fear they might only upset Mildred further."
"I fear I might," Hecate muttered, turning back to look at Pippa for some sort of consolation.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you could, Hecate. Now please, we need to check on Mildred."
Hecate nodded, knowing she didn't really have a say in the matter. She did make a promise to help Mildred live with her mistake, a promise she still intended to keep. It was just harder now that it was keeping time.
"I'm right there with you, Hiccup," Pippa assured her. "I know you'll do the right thing."
Hecate took a deep breath, taking the final few steps towards Mildred's room. She knocked, then quietly opened the door. Although she had been forewarned, the scene still took her by surprise. Shattered pieces of Julie Hubble covered the floor. Mildred was cradling one in her arms as she lay on the hard floor, practically drowning in her own tears.
"Is that-" Hecate confirmed, pointing at a piece of stone. Ada nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so."
"Mildred-" Hecate said quietly.
Mildred looked up, still clutching the piece of stone, her eyes red and puffy. She waved her arm to transport herself out of the room, but stopped. I can't. Not anymore. Ethel took that away from me.
"Isn't there anything we can do, Ada? Force Ethel to give the magic back?" Hecate whispered, pulling Ada aside.
"I'm afraid not." Ada whispered back. "Much like with Agatha and Esmeralda, Ethel would have to be willing to give her magic back."
"Surely I could talk some sense into her," Hecate muttered.
"It's been done," Hecate answered sternly. "Hecate, we need to focus on Mildred now."
But how...Hecate wondered. How can we focus on Mildred when there is nothing we can do for her? Where will she go?
"Mildred Hubble," Hecate spoke firmly, then stopped herself. "Mildred... I..uhm.. I'm sorry to hear about your mother." Her voice was much gentler that time, barely above a whisper. It was nicer than before, but even Hecate knew it wasn't right. She wasn't sure what the right way of comforting somebody would be. Up until this point, if she had to deal with emotions, she'd rather just desert the person like she had with Pippa. A part of her resented Pippa instead of herself all those years but found it silly then.
"Mildred, if there's anything we can do to help, please, tell us," Pippa insisted, kneeling beside Mildred on the floor.
"You?" Mildred muttered through a sob. She quickly wiped her eyes on her wrist as she glanced at Miss Hardbroom. Even in this state of mind, she felt pathetic crying in front of her. "You caused this! If you hadn't brought me back, Ethel wouldn't have been out to get me and my mum would be alive!"
Pippa paused a moment before speaking. She'd encountered this kind of attitude from Hecate herself.
Of course, she was a lot softer as a child, but still had a tendency to get incredibly mad when she was mad. Especially after the incident, before she'd blown her off all together. Hecate was always angry, screaming at anybody she could see. Pippa knew better than to take it personally.
"Mildred, I am sorry," Pippa answered quietly. "We really were going to try and find a cure for your mother. We didn't realize Ethel would be so nasty as to..well, you know."
"She's always been." Mildred huffed. "You just don't care what she does to me because she's Ethel Hallow."
"That's not true, darling," Pippa tried to say.
"It is true," Hecate interrupted. "And for that, I am truly sorry, Mildred. I foolishly relied on a familiar witching name, but it is clear that Ethel Hallow is not the kind of witch we want to have at Cackles. You are." Hecate let out a sigh of relief. She'd finally said something that wasn't completely wrong.

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