tw for implied s/h near the end
streber's pov
'what's taking them so long?' i thought to myself as i waited for kevin and y/n, as i got a text from kevin.
[kevin_kandy] we're heading over, had to stop for smt that came up
'yeah, great job elaborating.' i thought, looking around my room a bit. i walked over to the stack of books in the corner, looking for a fnaf book y/n might like, when i realized that he probably had most of the books. i heard my doorbell ring and i ran towards the door, opening it immediately. the smile i had on my face immediately fell as soon as i saw y/n's face with a large cut on their cheek.
"get in here! y/n, sit at the table and i'll get you some band-aids," i said as i rushed the two of them into my house. i made sure y/n sat down and went to get them band-aids. kevin followed me to the closet (🤨) that had my first-aid kit.
"so what happened to you?" i asked, opening the door. kevin explained the fight to me as i pulled out the first-aid kit. "well, if she was misgendering them on purpose she fully deserved it." i declared, snapping the kit shut.
we walked back to the table where y/n was sitting. i put a bandage on their cheek, after cleaning it out. "that should be good, keep it clean and re-bandage it often." i said, proud of myself for being good at cleaning scratches up.
we all headed to my room to talk for a little bit. i let y/n look through my stack of books to see if i had any fnaf books he didn't have, and it turns out i had one of the fazbear's frights books he hadn't read yet. he stuffed the book in their bag, promising to give it back soon. we all went back out into the living room and started watching nightmare before christmas, despite kevin's many "it's not even october!" protests.
after the movie, kevin looked at his phone, "well, i should probably get going, my parents will be home soon, see you two tomorrow!"
"bye kev!" me and y/n waved goodbye to him.
"do you need to go too?" i asked y/n. he shook his head.
"i doubt my parents will care, they're pretty lenient," he said, "wanna put another movie on?"
"sure! what movie sounds good?" i asked, heading to the horror section of the app we were on.
"ooo! they've got the fnaf movie! let's put that on!" i clicked onto the movie and started it.
we watched until the first scene with afton, when y/n let a burst of laughter out. "what's so funny?" i was confused, what about afton was funny?
"just simply the fact that shaggy from scooby doo's actor is afton, 'like zoinks scoob! i'm totally the man behind the slaughter!'" he laughed hysterically at their own joke. i couldn't hold it in any longer, and let out a bout of laughter.
nearing the end i realized y/n was unusually quiet, and i looked over to them dead asleep on the floor. i decided not to wake them up and shut the tv off. i went and got some pajamas on, and got y/n an outfit for tomorrow. i didn't have much i thought he'd like, so i just gave them a choice between a black victorian-style vest and a vest of the same design but navy blue.
i fell asleep on the couch above y/n, and woke up the next morning to y/n gone from the floor. the clothes i left them were still there, and i heard a sizzling sound come from the kitchen. i looked at my phone and saw it was 4 in the morning. i headed into the kitchen to see what the noise was to see y/n cooking bacon.
"it's four o'clock in the morning, why on earth are you cooking bacon?" i asked them. i'm the vampire, so i should be the one who doesn't get any sleep at night.
"because i've lost control of my life," (/ref) he said, flipping the bacon over.
"oh-kay then. i guess it's too late to fall back asleep, so i'll just be in here for a bit," y/n nodded in acknowledgement. i sat onto one of the chairs by the table, "so do you need to go and get some clothes from your house, or something else?" i asked, since it didn't look like he wanted to leave.
"i can just wear what i wore yesterday, nobody's gonna notice anyways." he said, sitting down.
"but that's got blood all over it from the fight, plus i put some clothes by you when you fell asleep last night."
"you've got a point, i didn't see the clothes, so thank you for telling me."
we finished breakfast and y/n went to go and change. he came back out in the same clothes he was wearing earlier, "you got anything with sleeves?" he asked, crossing their arms.
"i have an undershirt you can use!" i ran back to my closet and grabbed a white undershirt, "will this work?" i asked, holding the shirt up.
"mhm, thanks dude," y/n grabbed the shirt and went to change again. he came out wearing the navy shirt, tossing me the black one. i wondered why he couldn't wear it without sleeves, but i brushed it off as not wanting to get dress coded. i put on my normal outfit, topping it off with a black hat with a bat design.
we both got ready for school and waited at the bus stop.
972 words

kevin x streber x reader 👍
Fanfictionjust a lil story :] will have warnings necessary at the beginning of the chapter and a warning before the part the warning is needed for, and the first chapter has warnings :] warning key: 🔫-Angst/death 💅-Spicy (not smut/lemon, just a tad bit sugg...