y/n pov
(tw for mentions of fights)
i sat down next to kevin, letting out a huff of exhaustion. i had just run from my locker across the school to the art class. i could finally catch my breath.
"dude you ok? your breathing is super raspy" he asked, concern in his gaze.
"i'm fine, my throat just clogs a bit when i run fast" i coughed a bit, giving kevin a small smile. i noticed how fluffy his hair was, and how good he looked in his jean jacket and white shirt. i looked away, covering my face to hide my small blush. i trained my eyes on the teacher, listening to instructions when the phone rang.
"y/n, they want you down at the office" the teacher said, before turning back to the board.
'shit.' i thought. what if brayden told the office about this morning but managed to switch it around to where he was the victim? did they find my unblocked games files on my computer? i picked up a pencil and a fidget cube, just in case. i shakily walked down to the office. in the middle of the stairwell, i stopped to let a deep breath escape to stop me from shaking. i finished walking to the office and opened the door.
"y/n?" the lady at the desk asked. i nodded. "mr f. wants you in his office. down the hall, last door to the left." i headed in the direction she pointed. i opened the door to see the girl from yesterday sitting on the chair, her face looked badly bruised, and she said a missing tooth or two. i sat down, trying not to explode of nervousness.
"y/n, i have heard that you started a fight with ms. pixi and did not apologize for harming her." mr f started, "of course, i'd rather have you tell your side of the story." i told him about how pixi and her friends were taking pictures of me with out permission. i told him about how she misgendered me on purpose, knowing i hate being called girl. he was silent while i was explaining.
"you see, that's not what pixi told me. she said you started making fun of her and threw the first punch." he raised an eyebrow, "so which is it?"
"i was just trying to head to my friend streber's house when they started pointing at me, and i walked over there to see what they were doing. i admit to throwing the first punch, but i never made fun of her." i started wildly fidgeting with the fidget cube, trying to calm down. "the fight wasn't even on school ground, why is it such a big deal?"
"because one student harmed another, which is unacceptable." mr. f glanced at the bandage on my face "we're you also cut in the fight?"
"yes, one of her rings cut my face."
pixi turned towards me, "your stupidly long nails cut me more than once, so don't act like you're the victim here."
"you punched my arms way to much, it hurts to move them because of you!"
"calm down, you two!" mr f. was irritated at the two of them bickering "both of you will be suspended for three days, with an after-school detention when you get back. go and get your stuff, and i'll call your parents to pick you both up."
"fine, i guess could be worse." pixi walked out of the door beside me, whispering "nice one, loser." as she passed me.
i walked to my locker, numb. he couldn't call my parents, they'd be so mad, especially with me not coming home from streber's yesterday. i slowly packed my stuff, and stopped by the art classroom after the bell to get my stuff from there. as i picked up my stuff and stacked it into a pile, i got an idea. what if, instead of my parents picking me up, i could hide out in the bathroom or somewhere until the end of the day? then i could just get on the bus with streber again and just stay at his or kevin's house until they calmed down. it was a good plan, so i decided to head to the bathroom with my stuff. i hid in the stall and pulled my phone out and texted streber and kevin.
[user of your choice] won't be anywhere, got suspended but i'm in the bathroom rn waiting for the end of the day
[batz !] mk, zee you on the buz :]
i put my headphones in and shut off my phone. i closed my eyes and just listened to music.
782 words

kevin x streber x reader 👍
Fanficjust a lil story :] will have warnings necessary at the beginning of the chapter and a warning before the part the warning is needed for, and the first chapter has warnings :] warning key: 🔫-Angst/death 💅-Spicy (not smut/lemon, just a tad bit sugg...