massive tw for attempts and s/h, slight vomit(🔫)
kevin's pov (woah he finally gets a chapter):
i woke up to my phone going off like crazy at three in the morning. it was streber, on the group chat with y/n on it. i wondered why he was spamming it so early in the morning. maybe he'd stayed up to late watching vampire movies or something. i checked my phone to see a wall of panicked notifications from streber. he wasn't using his funny typing quirk, which heavily concerned me. i scrolled up to find a message from y/n:
[your user] streber, you're possibly the funniest person i've ever met. you have such a kind heart, and i don't regret meeting you, even though it was just a few days ago. i've loved you since the moment i set eyes on your beautiful, happy face. i'm leaving you my plushies, half of my sketchbooks, and half my clothes.
kevin, you were difficult to understand for a few minutes, but i warmed up to your kind and caring heart immediately. you're one of the most handsome guys i've ever met, along with streber. you seem out of place with your brighter clothes but you fit with us perfectly. i'm leaving you my art supplies, my hair combs (you need it with that head full of fluff), and the other half of my clothes and sketchbooks.
i love you both, i have since i met both of you. i'll miss you both, knowing i never had the courage to confess to you. i love you, but please don't miss me. just continue your lives without me and never remember me again. i love you, and i hope you get the things i'm leaving to you before my parents give them away <3i stared at the message in shock. had.. had y/n just committed? he couldn't have, he couldn't. and on top of that did he confess their love to me and streber? i just sat there staring at the message and streber's responses.
y/n? please, respondi couldn't let streber panic like this, so i had to respond. i tried to keep tears from forming in my eyes.
[kevin_kandy] streber he might've survived, we don't know what happened. do you know their address?
[batz !] they mentioned living in some yellow house, near the park. wait, where'd you find them during the fight?
[kevin_kandy] near my neighborhood, why?
[batz !] my house, now. bring first-aid. then bring me to where you found them fighting. please.
i turned off my phone and ran to streber's, not even bothering to leave mom a note. i didn't have time. he was waiting outside his house. he had obvious tear tracks running down his face. he ran to the end of the driveway and let me lead him to where i'd found y/n and that girl fighting.
"look for a two-story yellow house near the park." streber told me, "you go left and i'll go right. text if you find one"
i nodded, running off. in a couple minutes i found a faded two-story yellow house with the light on in the downstairs window. i immediately pulled my phone out and texted streber that i found a house. a couple minutes later he was at the house. we both walked up to the door and streber knocked. a middle-aged woman opened the door.
"what the fuck do you two want?" she asked, looking at me and streber.
"we were wondering if you know a person named y/n? we wanted to surprise them with a gift" streber said, pointing to the backpack he was wearing.
"yeah i know them, their my kid. you can come in i guess, but don't be to loud. i don't want noise complaints from the neighbors." she let us in, "their room is first door to the left upstairs. please, don't wake my husband up. he's angry enough."
we nodded, and headed upstairs. i tried the doorknob, but it was locked. i ended up breaking the lock and getting in to y/n's room. streber gasped as we saw y/n lying passed out on their bed, vomit on the floor with their arm hanging off the side of the bed, tears still wet on their face. i pulled them off their bed, careful not to let any part of them touch the vomit, and pulled them up into my lap. i tried shaking them, but that didn't work. streber found the bathroom and got a cold glass of water, splashing them on their face. as i shook them more with streber beside me, he slowly opened their eyes. streber immediately hugged them in happiness and relief.
"streber, let them go, you're gonna break their bones" i said, y/n was still dazed from what had happened, so i sat them down on their bed to let them register what was happening. i noticed a note on their headrest, so i tore it up. streber was sitting next to them, trying to bring them into reality. i gave them a soft hug, careful not to hug them too much, and streber joined in the hug. as we hugged y/n, he seemed to register he was alive and not dead, and their eyes softened, while he leaned into the hug.
"you're okay!" streber said, hugging them more.
"dude, you're gonna cut off my circulation if you squeeze my arms any harder." streber's response was hugging them more. y/n sighed, looking at me. "i'm guessing you both got my text..?" i nodded, and y/n sighed. "look, if you don't want to date, it's fine, i understand, i don't even know if you're gay or something, and we just met-"
i cut them off, "y/n, i do like you, i really do. just please, don't do this again. you had me so worried. and streber, don't feel left out, you bet your ass i like you too." i fluffed up his hair.
"i like you both too! when i first saw you guys i was like 'woah do those guys really look like that or is it just wishful thinking?' and then i got to know you a bit more and i thought 'they do look like that, dang they look good!'" streber said, letting go of the hug y/n was trapped in.
we talked for a few minutes then decided to get some sleep before school tomorrow. "so do you guys wanna sleep on the couch or-?"
"we can sleep in here! should probably clean the mess up first-" streber said, motioning to the vomit on the floor.
after we cleaned it up, we piled onto y/n's bed to get some sleep. before we fell asleep, i heard streber whisper, "i love you both" and then silence.
two updates in a day wow
next chapter will be timeskipped a year into the future so they'll be seniors, about to graduate
1210 words

kevin x streber x reader 👍
Hayran Kurgujust a lil story :] will have warnings necessary at the beginning of the chapter and a warning before the part the warning is needed for, and the first chapter has warnings :] warning key: 🔫-Angst/death 💅-Spicy (not smut/lemon, just a tad bit sugg...