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*•' DAYLIGHT '•*

in which, daylight is their future

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in which, daylight is their future.

i don't wanna
look at anything
else now that i
saw you.

DISCLAIMER: this book is a novella for AFTER DARK by filevenswhore i'd suggest for you to read that story first before starting this one in order to understand these characters and their dynamics

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DISCLAIMER: this book is a novella for AFTER DARK by filevenswhore i'd suggest for you to read that story first before starting this one in order to understand these characters and their dynamics.

WARNING: this story is an alternative universe and will contain smut. read at your own risk.


the night holds secrets.

with the pen of your own fate between your fingers, you spill every hidden thing of yourself into the inky sky; in which the stars are your witnesses and the moon is the judge.

but the stars and moon are so out of reach, they are so unapproachable — who cares if they are the witnesses to your deepest desires or silently judge you for acting on them?

because truly, it doesn't matter; not when she could feel the perfect imperfections of the moon underneath her palms by touching on someone's body.

each surface of skin she stumbled across while exploring his body felt like exploring the foreign and untouched craters of the moon.

she was drowning in the shining light, clinging to it like it was her lifeline, searching for it desperately and repeatedly in the dark — only for everything to be over in the morning all over again.

the moon is gone when the sun shines, making all hidden secrets die along with it.

but that's the beautiful thing about morning.

there is no need for a single shining light anymore because everything is bright. there are no more secrets, no more hiding, no more regret.

if the moon and stars were a witness to their sins before, add the goddamn sun to the list of it now too.

because theirs was a journey from simple lust betiding in the depths of after dark to everlasting love in the comfort of daylight.

so, really, it didn't matter who the witnesses were — there was only one thing certain.

there's no more room for darkness and secrets in their story anymore, everything is brighter now.

like daylight.


over a year after finishing the story, here i am, publishing a novella for after dark in order show more of them in an actual romantic relationship (,:

though it was an impulsive thought at first, i actually started considering to do it when i realized that after all the hell they went through, some simple insight into their future would be sweet

just a lil disclaimer that this sequel (novella) is more like a collection of one-shots scattered through some days of their relationship rather than following it like a usual storyline

hope u missed them — in case there's anyone reading this ofc lol. enjoy a second round of ad mileven <3

see u soon !!

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