Chapter 6- Overprotective

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Will was who I cared about the most. Even though I had just met him. I really loved and cared deeply about him. He was the only person I had loved. If that thing from the upside down ever hurt him, I would never forgive myself.

"Don't worry about me, all that matters right now is that you're okay." Will comfort me.

"But I have to worry about you. You're all I have left. Besides, I'm the one who opened the upside down, it's all my fault." I cried.

When I said that everybody except Will's eyes grew open wider. I knew that all of them probably hated me now. Their friends had been missing from them all that time and it was all because of me. I wish I could go back in time and stop this all from happening. Then I wouldn't have met Will, so I guess everything happens for a reason. I still wish that this wasn't happening. That my Mom hadn't died trying to save me, that I hadn't been taken to that stupid lab, that I didn't have super powers.

"Will, you didn't tell us that she opened the upside down!" the boy with dark hair said a bit louder than a normal tone making me flinch a bit.

"She was forced to do it because she didn't have a choice! She was forced to use her powers to open it at the lab! If she didn't obey, they would have hurt her more!" Will defend. Gosh he really did seem to care. At this point I was again crying so Will wrapped his arm tighter around me.

"Wait what powers do you have? Do you have a number on your arm too? What number were you given?" the boy wearing a hat blared.

"What kind of question is that? Can't you see that she's uncomfortable? Her mother just died and you guys don't even seem to care!" Will told them off. Holy crap.

"Will, you seem super protective over her." the dark-haired boy said.

"Yeah, maybe because she's my girlfriend!" he defended.

My eyes grew wide. I mean, if it was fine with him it was fine with me. I really did love him.

"No, it's okay. To answer your questions, yes I do have powers, and yes, I do have a number." I replied.

I pulled up my sleeve slowly to reveal a small number tattooed into my arm. 005. That was my number. It was given to me the first day they took me away. I got many gasps, mostly from the boys. Now for my powers, I could do four things that I knew of. I could teleport, make things disappear from thin air, fire powers, and I could move things with my mind. (aka telekenesis) Which one should I show them? Quickly I turned to my side and told Will something,

"Hold your breath."

He quickly did as he was told and I snapped my fingers. Suddenly we disappeared from the room and ended up back in Will's room. I looked at him to see that his eyes were wide open.

"Y/N, your nose is bleeding." he said as he ran to his bedside table and grabbed me a tissue. I wiped it away as we walked out of the bedroom and everybody turned their heads to see us with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"Ta da." I quietly giggled.

Everybody stood there quietly as my body began to sway back and forth a little. Using my powers sometimes drained me. I assumed that this must be one of those times because I hadn't used them in a few days. I kind of fell backwards but luckily Will caught me in his arms.

"Okay, you need to rest." he said as he helped me walk back over to the couch and lay down. He sat down and I laid my head on his lap.

"Can you do anything else? How did you know Eleven? How did you meet Will? How come you have hair but Eleven didn't have any hair?" I was bombarded with questions. Will always had my back though. I blushed at his response.

"Guys we can ask her some more questions in a while, she's tired. Let's give some time."

I didn't want to sleep again; I was too scared that I would go back to that place. All I wanted to do was to stay wide awake in Will's arms. He brought me into the bedroom and gently laid me down, and tucked me in. We stared into each other's eyes as he finished.

"I'm so sorry Will, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I said quietly.

"Y/N listen, I'm only going to say this once, this is not your fault, none of it. I need you to stop thinking that, because if you do, I'm going to feel even worse. So please, for my sake, don't blame yourself for other people's doings." he told me.

I smiled a bit and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"What were you saying earlier about me being your girlfriend?" I asked him while still smiling.

"I mean if it's alright with you-" I cut him off by leaning up and kissing him right on the lips.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Will Byers."

"It would be my honor to be your boyfriend." he replied before kissing me once again.

"Sleep tight baby." he said using that corny nickname again. Even though it was corny, I still loved it.

I turned to my side, and quickly fell asleep, thinking about Will.

(945 words)

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