Chapter 3 | "you're joking"

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•Emery's POV•

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Emery's POV•

I may have overpacked,

And by may, I mean I definitely overpacked.

It took me all morning to sort out my closet, I organized it by season and events. The more summery clothes are in the front and the gala and proper outing outfits are in the back.

There are a few draws I filled with jewelry and a cabinet I put a few of my crowns in.

The dorm came with furniture thank god, I wouldn't have to go out and get any.

All morning it has been super noisy, with people walking up and down the hallway carrying furniture and talking loudly.

Around lunch, I decided to go visit Miss Lana to get a proper tour.

I changed into one of my favourite dresses it's a white summer dress with little pink flowers on it and has a fabric bow on the shoulder.

A/n: OAE

I finished off the look with a pair of big sunglasses and a white sun hat that might get me some privacy.

The hallways were just as crowded as they sounded. To my surprise no one recognized me, they all just minded their own business.

I walked to the front office, "Good morning Miss Lana,"

"Oh, good morning ma'am," she said with a small bow. "Would you like that tour now?"

"If you don't mind that would be lovely,"

"Of course, if you don't mind waiting here for a second I'll be right back,"


The lobby is full of students and their parents carrying boxes and pulling suitcases in all directions.

Someone walks back into me and gives me a rough shove.

"Ouch," I almost fall over but I catch myself.

"Watch it," they hiss, I turn around to see who pushed me. I'm met with the most drool-worthy man I have ever seen, he had dark brown fluffy hair and piercing dark green eyes that were death glaring at me.

Not to mention he was a literal giant, and built like a wall.

"You bumped into me," I reply. His face morphed into one of anger with a hint of murder.

"What the fuck did you say to me,"

What is this guy's problem? Can he not just say sorry for hitting someone?

"I think you owe me an apology," I say.

"Do you not fucking know who I am," he sneered.

Does he not know who I am?

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