Happy New Year!

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Rated: T (but most of it is K+ fluff)

Warnings: Sexual references.

Just something cute I put together for the occasion. Happy New Year!

P.S. And for those who are wondering. No, there is no "hot Death" in this oneshot. Apologies, but I think he is busy collecting idiots' souls for all of New Year.

"Woohoo!" Perrito screamed as the sand beneath his feet sprayed into the air. Perro wagged his tail and spun around in circles. He raced along the beach like the puppy he is at heart.

"Ptui! Perrito, easy with the sand, amigo," Puss spat. He smiled at the energetic pup who couldn't sit still to save his life.

Kitty waved a paw in front of her face as she coughed up the sand in her lungs. Puss and Kitty laughed. It was nice to see Perro so excited.

They walked with their arms linked like most couples do. Puss, as any gentleman would, offered his arm for Kitty to take when they arrived at the beach. Surprisingly, she accepted. Kitty is very independent. She does everything she can to make sure everyone around her knows it. For her to set aside that public image and walk with Puss like this, was the ultimate sign of love and trust.

"He has a lot of built-up energy after being on that boat," Kitty whispered to her lover.

"Sí. We were only sailing for a couple of days," Puss replied in shock.

"Please! Like you can talk. You can barely stay in one place. How many times have you been here again?" Kitty raised her voice as she gestured to the island around them.

Team Friendship admired the island. It was a tropical paradise. The clear ocean glistened as the Sun sunk below the horizon. There were places along the beach to relax while other locations buzzed with energy. Colourful neon lights shot up in the air as the night grew nearer. Before long, everyone would be drinking and partying like there was no tomorrow. After all, Ibiza was the ultimate party island in Spain.

"A-A few times. But we needed a place to stop, and Ibiza is the best place to be. And it is New Year! Who doesn't want to spend New Year celebrating in a place like this?" Puss admitted.

"What's New Year?" Perrito asked. He tilted his head to the left, and his tongue drooped out of his mouth.

"It is exactly as it sounds, idiota," Puss whispered at the end, rolling his eyes.

"New Year is the celebration of us coming into a new year based on the Gregorian calendar," Kitty explained to the innocent and curious puppy, elbowing her partner in the arm. Perrito might not have heard him, but she did.


"It is a time when lots of people get drunk and make life decisions they can never take back. People make promises and goals for the new year that they never keep. And the partying usually result in injuries as morons disobey the law and do stupid things. For example, trying to light firecrackers and fireworks in their yard with no safety precautions whatsoever," Kitty continued.

"Really. Sounds fun! We could- hey! What do you guys do for New Year?" Perrito questioned.

"What I do every year: absolutely nothing," Kitty deadpanned.

"That's not true. Remember that time I surprised you for Christmas, and we spent New Year together? That was fun. We had some leche and then spent some quality time together," Puss corrected as he wrapped his arm around Kitty, who blushed at his words.

"Cool! What did you do?" Perrito asked ignorantly.


"Nothing out of the ordinary," Puss spoke up.

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