Part 5

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As soon as we walk inside Leah is pointing at us screaming, there they are! I am puzzled until the police and a woman with a clipboard is walking toward us. Johnny looks at me and I look at him with the same look of terror. "Hello ma'am my name is Brenda Cooks and I am with Child Protective Services. We need the two of you to come with us for some questions we need answered  immediately!" I am too stunned to speak. How in the hell did I get caught up in this type of shit. Johnny is no longer crying, I can see the rage on his face. I go into a room with one of the detectives and Ms. Cooks. They begin to ask me questions about Johnny, and how long I've known him. They also asked me what all I knew about Leah, I told them frankly I don't know much about her. She is the mother of Johnny's child. She came off as aggressive and threatened me due to he and I exchanging numbers and becoming acquainted with each other. They start asking me if I've ever met the child or been around the child, and I tell them no. They ask me where was I tonight, and I tell them I was home. The only reason I came to the hospital is because Johnny called me crying saying that Leah killed the child. I have never heard someone say something like that and honestly came for emotional support. From my knowledge and what he told me the child was with Leah and she was dropped off with her mother who Johnny said has a drug problem, the next thing I know he is calling me screaming into the phone. Ms. Cooks is writing down every word that I am saying she has a blank look on her face so I cannot really tell what's going through her mind. "I have a camera at my house, and it is time stamped I can provide that if you would like. The detective says yes, that will be very beneficial. They stand up and tell me to keep down commotion Leah asked that I be escorted from the hospital. I told them no need to escort me I will leave on my own. I grab my jacket and exit the room. When I come out, I see Johnny in handcuffs with his head down. He looks up at me and says "I didn't do anything to him Cat. I texted you some information call that number so that my cousin can come get me." I am baffled to say the least. I don't understand what is going on, but I have to get the hell out of here.
As soon as I get in my car, I call Troy and give him the run down on everything that just happened April is in the background saying "See Cat, I told you his ass was bad news!" I tell them about the text message and the number. Troy tells me don't call it yet, and he is going to call his homegirl down at the jail to see if she knows anything about the initial call to 911, and what charges he is facing when they book Johnny. I agree. He tells me that he will call me when he finds something out and we hang up the phone. My mind is racing. I keep having scenarios playing in my head. I never end up in good situations when trying to be nice. It seems like I always get the short end of the stick. I head home trying to make myself believe things aren't as bad as they seem, but truth is I know that they are. When I pull up at home Troy is calling me saying that he got in touch with his homegirl and she said he was just booked for domestic violence. Troy sighs "Call the number Cat, but don't leave the house we are on the way." We hang up. I call the number a guy answers, and he almost sounds like a girl. "Hey this is Cat Johnny told me to call you and tell you to bail him out. His charge is domestic violence." Hey Cat I'm Johnny's cousin Roger, but everyone calls me Roo baby. I'm going to go to the jail to get him out. I will call you back and let you know if anything else goes down." I say "okay!" And I hang up. When I get out my car to my doorstep there are wires hanging from my camera. I am shook I pull my pistol out of just purse and look around. I don't see anyone. This has Leah's name all over it, but little does the bitch know, every second of the recoding is backed up to my other phone in real time. She's so conniving and sneaky, but I can't lie, she definitely has connects, and that's why Johnny keeps getting set up.
I go inside lock the door and put my pistol on the counter and pull out a notebook. It's time to be smarter about this dizzy ass girl. She is not smart she just seems to know the right people. I look through the notebook for the lawyer Troy had that helped him beat all the charges he was facing. I also look up information about Leah's uncle the dirty cop, and I'm building my own little plan of how to eliminate myself from the equation. Johnny can keep doing this with Leah, but I have had enough. I'm not even his damn girlfriend and I have been in a damn frenzy with his ass ever since we met. I definitely should've tan when he was talking to me in the mall, but oh well we are here now. It's time to get one up on Leah. I see that her uncle is married, and his wife whose name is Sandra, works at the Walmart near my house. I call them and lie and say I'm her niece Leah and I would like to speak with her immediately, and the person tells me to hold. After holding the phone for almost 10 minutes she comes to the phone. "Hello? Is this Leah?" I say yes. She puts her mouth close to the phone and says "You listen to me you little bitch! Don't you ever call my job again, and if you do I will make sure that drug addicted mother of yours knows you've been sleeping with her ex husband! You may have fucked my husband, but you will not hold that over my head!" And she hangs up. So the cop isn't her uncle he's her ex-step father and she screwed him.  She may think she has the upper hand, but I have a rude awakening for Leah a.k.a Quesha.

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