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Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi Pugsbunny88 BurnedNMiami Damonlover81 NikkiKay88 

Clay looked at Skylar confused and said

"What do you mean my back to the future and flash 100th episode theory isn't impossible? What's going on Sky?" Skylar stood up, walked to the door, closed it and locked it to make sure no-one came in while they were talking. Skylar then walked over to Clay, sat on his bed and said

"If I tell you can you promise that you won't freak out, and just help me figure it out." Clay nodded his head and said

"I promise." Skylar took a deep breath and said

"Okay. I'm not crazy, but I found out that I have powers. like actual superhero powers, and I am actually going to the past and it's not dreams at all. My mum explained everything to me but I'm still wrapping my head around it all and wrapping my head around that I have powers part." Clay was shocked and said

"Like powers powers like the flash powers?" Skylar nodded his head slowly. Clay sat up and said

"I don't believe it." Skylar looked at him, grabbed his arm and they both went to the past and saw Thad with a girl who Skylar knew was Quinn and they both knew she was Clay's mum. Skylar dropped his hand and they were back in their dorm.  he looked at Clay and said

"Now believe it Clay?" Clay was still in shock and nodded his head and said

"now i do and thanks for showing me my selfish mother." Skylar gently spoke

"I'm sorry, really I am." Clay took a deep breath and said

"It's okay." Clay picked up his notebook and pen and said

"You said that your mum explained everything to you. so your mum has powers and quite possibly your dad too." Skylar looked down and said

"She did explain it to me, and explained my powers as they are like hers well technically were like hers." Clay looked up from his notebook confused and said

"meaning?" Skylar then realised

"My mum has a dampening chip in her, courtesy of her fathers my grandfathers." Clay then looked at Skylar and smiled

"They didn't put you in at Dalton because they didn't care. They put you here to be safe, and not be exposed to the world. Your grandfathers don't know about your powers. It was your dad's idea that you be at Dalton right?" Skylar thought about what Clay is saying

"Yes it was." Clay looked at Skylar knowingly and said

"Your dad wants you find out something. What did your mum tell you about your powers Sky?"  Skylar thought back to the conversation with his mum and said

"My powers are based on my emotions and when I sleep. dad wanted to put a dampening chip in me. When I'm upset and angry I go to the past and I continue to go there when I sleep until I figure out how to help and fix whatever it I need to fix, and the same when I'm happy but when I'm happy I go to the future. and when I'm worried and scared for someone I end up right next to the person I'm worried and scared about. and it would feel very real because I'm actually there." Clay took in Skylar's words and said

"Your dad is scared about you finding out something from the past. And you going to the past to your parent's past. What you have to fix is them. Well past them" Skylar wasn't sure

"I don't know. it seems far fetched Clay." Clay sighed and said

"Think about what your mum told you about your powers. You'll keep going back there until you figure out how to help and fix whatever it is you need to fix. and it's your parent's past you keep going to go." Skylar thought about what Clay was saying and said

"You're right but why my parents and their past?" Clay sat down next to Skylar and said

"I don't know, but we are going to find out why. it's something to do with your parents I just know it." Skylar nodded his head, and once again he was in the past, and he saw his mum fighting with her ex Finn after Rachel telling him no. Skylar knew that at this point his dad didn't know about his mum being pregnant. Skylar saw Finn walk away from her. Skylar took the opportunity to walk up to her. He figured since he already spoke to the past version of his dad, he'll speak with the past version of his mum. 

Skylar gently without revealing himself to her

"You okay?" Rachel wiped her tears away and said

"I'm okay. I just wish my ex wouldn't have done that and made everything public." Skylar looked at her concern and confused whilst giving her a tissue to blow her nose

"What do you mean by made everything public?" Rachel shook her head said

"Don't worry about it. I don't even know who you are." Rachel looked up at Skylar and looked into his eyes. She knew who it was. She knew it was her son, the very one that's currently in her stomach. Rachel hugged her son tight and whispered only he could hear

"My sweet future son. I see you discovered your powers. But what are you doing here?" Skylar hugged her back tight and whispered

"It's complicated mum. But you know why. Dad well the past version of dad doesn't know about me being here, well at least I think he doesn't" Rachel knew why he was there and said

"Your dad and I in the future are having problems aren't we?" Skylar couldn't lie

"You are, and future you is pregnant again and haven't told dad yet. I'm supposed to figure out how to help in the past and fix whatever it is I need to fix. But I keep going to yours and dad's past and I have no idea why?" Rachel pulled away, placed her hand on his cheek and said

"You'll figure it out. I know you will. I love you my future son." Skylar kissed his mum's forehead and then he was back in his dorm next to Clay. Skylar looked at Clay smiling and said

"I think I know why I keep going to my parents past?" Clay looked at him confused and said

"Why?" Skylar looked at him and said

"Because you are right again. It is to do with my parents."

Meanwhile Rachel turned and looked at Sebastian and said

"Skylar figured it out." Sebastian softly spoke

"He figured out that his power is to fix past us?" Rachel nodded her head and said

"He did. He kissed my forehead, I felt it. I may not have my powers but I could sense it." Sebastian was worried that Skylar would find out why he and Rachel broke up in the past and not telling Rachel why. Sebastian looked at Rachel and said

"I've been thinking, what if I used my lightning from my speed to get the dampening chip out of you?" Rachel looked at him and said

"I would love that more than anything but i can't risk anything right now." Sebastian was confused and said

"What do you mean?" Rachel took a deep breath and said

"I'm pregnant again Sebby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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