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Skylar didn't want to believe Clay, but he knew it was plausible that he could be seeing his parents more so his mum's past. He couldn't tell his parents about any of it, they would think he's crazy and probably send him to shrink. But he isn't crazy, he knows he isn't. What he has been seeing it feels real to him. Skylar thinks back to all the conversations he has had with his parents about what their high school lives were like, and how both his parents mainly his mum tensed up, or changed the subject or even told him to not worry about it. 

He was sick of lies, he wanted to know about it all. He wanted to know what happened and what they especially his mum went through, he is frustrated that he doesn't know and that they won't tell him, that his parents are keeping secrets from him. Skylar sighs in frustration. He loves his parents equally, even if he gets frustrated and acts out, but it's only because he wants them to pay attention to him instead of their careers, he's a high school student in his Junior year and all they care about is their careers, it worries Skylar so much that he always thinks he ruined his parents lives. It wasn't so bad growing up because his parents paid all their attention to him, it was just when he got to Dalton that his parents started paying less attention to him and more attention to their careers. 

As he thought about his parents, he was immediately brought to an auditorium. Skylar was confused but then immediately realised that he was once again the past. He was stood in the wings of the auditorium. He didn't know why he was there, or what even was happening or what part of the past he is in, It was then he heard his mum sing Don't Rain on my Parade and quickly glanced over and saw Carmen Tibadeux in the audience with his dad sitting behind her. Skylar immediately realised that it was his mum's big audition for NYADA, he didn't even know what happened that day, as Rachel was tight lipped about it.

He listened to his mum sing, and then stop and tried to restart but the words of the song she knows like the back of her hand wouldn't' come out of her. Skylar was shocked to learn that his mum had choked and was pleading with Carmen to give her another chance, he was even more shocked to realise that she at first didn't get into NYADA. Skylar always knew his mum had an amazing singing voice just like his dad did, and always knew that his mum was prepared for audition. 

Skylar wanted to yell at Carmen too to give his mum a second chance, but he knew he couldn't. He almost gave himself away to a younger version of his dad, and he didn't want that to happen again. He looked at his mum with sad eyes, and turned to walk away, when he all of a sudden saw Clay still sitting across from him, and he knew that he was no longer in the past.

Clay was worried for his best friend and said

"Skylar are you okay, did you have another Back to The Future moment?" Skylar quickly nodded his head and said

"Yeah I'm okay and would you stop referencing Back to The Future." Clay put his hands up in defence and said

"Oh come on, tell me it doesn't sound like that or would you prefer it if I called it Flash 100th episode instead then?" Skylar shook his head and said

"No Clay." Skylar then stood up to leave and said

"But can you make sure Spencer actually turns up to Warbler Practice instead of bailing, even if you have to use the sitting on the bench for the whole Lacrosse game next week, and I promise I'll tell you everything later." Clay nodded his head and said

"But where are you going Captain that you can't do it." Skylar looked at Clay as he was putting his text books in his bag and said

"To my parents, I need answers, and for them to listen to me and pay attention to me instead of their own careers, and then I'll be back in time for Warbler practice, I promise I will." Skylar then left to go home, to see his parents. Skylar thought back to his last visit to the past, and realisation hit him, he never went to the past twice in one day nor had he had two past visits to the younger version of his mum. It was confused by it all. 

When Skylar arrived home, he knew that in order to talk to them, he had to tell them about everything that has happened even the past visions that seem really real to him that he has. Skylar knew it would worry his parents a lot, but he wanted answers from his parents, both his parents, he didn't want any subject changes, no going off topic, or them being tense about the past. He wanted to know what happen and why they wouldn't tell him.

Skylar walked inside his home, looked at his parents who were in the kitchen and said

"Can we talk, it's really important. I'm scared." Rachel and Sebastian looked at each other, and then walked over to Skylar with Rachel hugging him tight and said

"What about my sweet boy?" Skylar hugged his mum tight and said

"Everything. I think something is wrong with me. I think I'm going crazy, and i don't what to do. I'm terrified. Clay is the only person that knows about it." Sebastian was concerned for Skylar, that he started to blame himself for not being around a lot, and even Rachel started to blame herself not paying attention her son. She and Sebastian are scared for him. Rachel pulled apart the hug slightly, looked at him with worry and concern and asked

"Skylar, what's wrong, you can tell us." Skylar wasn't sure if he could, and he said

"Can I though, if I do will you listen to me, and actually talk to me and not brush it off or change the subject." Rachel and Sebastian looked at each other, and they knew in that moment, that it was time Skylar knew their past and their high school days. Sebastian hugged Skylar and said

"Of course Skylar." Skylar hugged his dad tight and was grateful for he said, as it meant he was finally getting answers, and his parents have never broken a promise to him.

Skylar in timeWhere stories live. Discover now