Chapter 2

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Davina Claire chuckled a little as she leaned back in her seat at dinner. She rarely left New Orleans; for a multitude of reasons, primarily because as the youngest Regent in New Orleans history she was busy. But when her old witch friend called her for a get together which was too good to be true, Davina had agreed. Besides, she needed a break, she and Monique did need a break. Abby and Cassie relationship drama was a bit much, and it was time for a break. Also, if Van Nguyen as Davina out one more time, she was going to hex the power-hungry snake.

But alas, Bonnie had offered the perfect excuse for the Regent to leave New Orleans. Vincent had even offered to watch over New Orleans while she was gone, and Davina was gleefully taking him up on that. So, here she sat, with Monique, giggling over a glass of wine, which was the first and only glass she was having as the designated driver. The company wasn't too terrible either in Davina's opinion, Bonnie's sorority sisters, Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes.

"So, Davina, how'd you and Bonnie meet?" Caroline finally asked giddily. "You've hardly spoken, so why don't you share, how did you and Bon become friends?"

"Our grandmothers," Davina answered. "Bonnie's grandmother was... friends, with mine, and Bonnie would come to New Orleans every year, and we were told to... play nice I believe," Davina mused.

"Don't be fooled Care, Davina's the best hellriser alive, she's the most dangerous witch alive," Bonnie chuckled with a wink in Davina's direction.

"Bonnie!" Elena choked. "Don't say that."

"It's true," Monique mused ruefully. Davina chuckled as she sipped her wine and leaned back. Mortals didn't understand the compliment, but Davina was the best witch of their generation; she had proven it when Bonnie had been manipulated into Expression and raised Silas. Not only had Davina had to contend with Bonnie who was a breath away from death at that moment, but Silas.

"Davina... Davina saved me," Bonnie finally answered. "After Grams died, she was the one to save me when I was losing control, and we've been... friends ever since."

"Really?" Elena looked intrigued.

"That drop year I took, Davina was the one to help me out," Bonnie explained. "Saved my life, makes her the baddest witch alive."

"Well, that got heavy," Davina mused as she set her glass aside. "I helped Bonnie out after her grams passed, yes, but I wouldn't say I saved her, and I still kicked her ass at paintball, every year. We're just... old friends," Davina finally settled. "And it'd been a spell since we'd seen each other last."

"What's with all the witch reference?" Caroline asked.

"When Bonnie, Monique and I were forced to get along, we watched lots of Scooby Doo, lots of Scooby, and we liked the Hex Girls," Davina shrugged. It was an honest lie to cover the truth. "Bonnie's obviously Thorne; she's got the voice for it."

Bonnie laughed. "Davina was Dusk, she could bang around on anything and say it was music! And Monique, the actual music talent was obviously Luna."

Caroline and Elena were laughing, and Davina chuckled, but Monique was pulling out her phone with the photos on it, and Davina laughed harder. The rest of dinner, Davina just sat back listening to the stories, and she enjoyed the enthusiasm of the four other women, Monique charmed Caroline and Elena with ease. The ringing of Davina's phone was what finally pulled Davina from dinner as she politely excused herself to go answer.

"Hey," Davina answered.

"How's it going?" Hayley's voice purred with enthusiasm on the other end of the line.

"It's a nice break," she admitted to her big sister. She had been sisters with Hayley Lebonair since 2005 when Katrina had torn their lives apart; the wolf had saved Davina when none had been able to and had helped keep Davina safe in the turbulent, and dangerous times the foster system seemed intent on tearing Davina's entire world apart. Hayley had gotten them out, and they were sisters in every way.

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