Chapter 1

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It's early Saturday morning. The sun is peering through the window. Walter is already awake as usual in his blue footy pajamas sitting at the edge of his brand new futuristic bed. There's a bunch of monitors and flashing lights hooked up to it. It creates this rhythmic beeping noise every couple of minutes that Walter always mimics on que. Walter's mom walks into the room.

"Goodmorning, how are you feeling?" Walter mom said as she kissed him on the forehead and took a peak at the monitors.

"I'm fine mommy, is breakfast ready?" Walter said wiping off his mom's icky bold red lipstick from his head.

"Not yet almost, I'll bring it in when it's ready." Walter's mom said walking back out the room.

Now that his mom has left and the coast is clear Walter throws on his favorite blue winter coat and bolts to his bedroom window. Frost is plastered over the glass, Walter stands on top of his toy chest and takes a glance through his bedroom window and surveys the action going on outside.

A gigantic dragon swooshes by, it's black scaly coat gleams in the basking sunlight and its razor sharp spiked tail whips through the air. Walter mounts his trusty steed Azul, an pure all white mustang with a blonde mane. The dragon circles back towards Walter with its ominous red eyes locked onto him. Walter with his double edged sword forged from the great sky gods drawn in his left hand and a iron shield clasped in the grip of his right hand. He advances towards the huge beast. The dragon begins to exhale thick black smoke from his flaring nostrils; its jaw widens exposing the beasts throat where a small source of fiery light emerges and gets larger as it escapes the dragons mouth engulfing everything in flames that is in its path. Walter evades the fire breathing dragon, protecting himself with his mighty iron shield. The creature ascended into the sky, blocking out the sun. Tucking in its wings, the dragon spirals down towards Walter in one final effort to annihilate him. A few hundred feet before the ground the dragon opens its wings and levels out. Its mouth opens and a giant burst of flames pour out towards Walter who is mounted on Azul that is galloping as fast as he can away from the impending doom.

"Get away from the window Walter it's too cold to be sitting over there. Come back in bed, the food is done come eat." Walter's mom said laying down a tray of food containing a nice stack of pancakes, a vegetable omelette, a few pieces of turkey bacon, and of course a small bowl of blueberries.

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