Chapter 2

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The snow is bad today. The weather man said there will be at least 20 inches of snow by the end of day. Sunday afternoon, snowflakes clatter against Walter's bedroom window. Walter is laying in bed under his blanket that his grandfather got him for his 7th birthday. He told Walter that this blanket will keep him safe from anything. Now Walter goes to sleep with this big wool navy blue blanket every single night.

There's a loud mechanical beep. Walter is sitting in a cold, wet dim lit cave. Next to him lays his trusted companion Azul. He's the one that found this cave just in the nick of time. If it wasn't for Azul then they would've got snatched up by It. Legend goes, nobody has ever seen It and if they did they never lived to speak about of it. You only hear it. And once you do hear it then you must get away before it's too late. Once It gets you, you're gone forever. In the cave Walter and Azul are crouched by a fire they made to stay warm.

"You got the stuff Azul?" Walter says rubbing his hands together over the crackling fire.

Azul nods his head yes, with his tongue sticking out. He reaches in his bag and pulls out the fish they caught out by the river they were at. Catfish, tuna, and swordfish.

"Yeah, these should make for a good dinner. Don't you think bud?"

Azul shakes his head in excitement, with his tongue out once again.

"Haha okay boy calm down, don't slobber all over the food." Walter said taking the fish out of Azul's hand.

Walter takes out his blue handled pocket knife and guts all of fish. Azul stares anxiously awaiting the endeavoring meal. After all the fish is gutted Walter puts them over the fire to cook them. The cave is filled with yummy scents that will surely attract unwanted attention. Creaks and drips keep Walter and Azul company while the fish is cooking. A short amount of time passes and it's officially time to grub. Walter savors each bite of delicious fish and ends up not eating it all, meanwhile Azul pulverized his serving before Walter could even take his second bite.

The fire fizzles out, smoke fills the atmosphere and escapes the mouth of the cave. The pitch black night sky full of twinkling stars provides enough concealment from the ferocious predators hunting for their next meal. Walter and Azul lay sleep on the ground of the now pitch black cave. Echoes from rocks falling and water trickling down the uneven cave walls and Azul's loud obnoxious snores permeate the lonesome cave.

Like a shot, a blaring mechanical beep disturbs the pleasant cave noise. Walter and Azul jump awake. Reaching for the Big Box O Matches, Walter takes a single match from the box and successfully strikes it against the friction strip on the first attempt. Which produces a small flame on the top on the match. He tosses it into the camp fire and rekindles the fire from earlier. Light from the camp fire parades off the cave walls, filling the immediate area with a warm glow. A groggy Walter stumbles to his feet. He runs his hand through his short shaggy hair and looks down at it covered in golden strands of hair; he grabs his blue baseball cap and plops it on his shedding head. Walter scans the cave with his tired eyes, and noticed a black figure in the far corner of the cave. He squints and takes a couple baby steps towards it to try and make out what it is. Walter observes what seems to be the silhouette of a colossal, fleshy, and woolly creature. Walter glances back at Azul, he's still sitting by the fire wiping crust from his eyes. Without notice, another thunderous beep violates the cave, catching Walter off guard. He snaps his head back in the direction of the silhouette he was staring at but it's no longer there. The wind outside the cave begins too pick up. The fire flickers back and forth, making the light in the cave dance and bounce on and off the walls. It's quiet. Walter turns and makes his back to the camp fire. He sits next to Azul and pokes at the fire.

"I think I saw someone over by the opening of the cave" Walter said staring deep into the hissing flames.

Azul doesn't reply.

"Hey do we have anymore fish?"

Still no reply from Azul.

"Did you eat all the fish that fast fatty?" Walter said nudging Azul's arm.

Azul tilted over and plunged to the ground, still with no response and laid there. Walter jolted to his feet, heart racing and pounding like a hammer knocking a nail in place. He reached over to Azul and tapped his shoulder. He was dead stiff. Azul laid motionless on his side. Walter reached down and grabbed his friend's shoulder then turned him over, revealing that he no longer had a face. Stumbling back, Walter covered his mouth to muffle his scream. Instantaneously, another ear piercing mechanical beep orchestrated the cave. This time it was so close to Walter he keep feel the heat from the creatures breath warm the back of his neck. The wind outside the cave has intensified, the whistles of the increased wind speed penetrate the air of the cold night. The fire goes out. Heavy wet footsteps slap against the ground as they approach Walter. With no where to run Walter curls up in a ball in the corner. The footsteps get louder and louder as the creature gets closer. Then they stop. A woolly hand stretches out over Walter. His dad heaves the navy blue wool blanket from over his head. Exposing Walter and his golden retriever Azul curled up in his new bed; that is now infested with red Swedish Fish. His dad is wearing his big work boots just coming in from shoveling mountains of snow.

"Got yah!" Yelled his dad

Walter screamed and threw a Swedish Fish at his dad. Azul jumped out the bed and ate the candy after it fell to the floor.

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