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" Wednesday Full of Woe "

LENORA ADDAMS laid on her belly on her unmade bed, feet crossed at the ankles as she listened to Chopin on her record player. Lazily, she swayed her risen legs back and forth in the air, in time to the classical music. She hummed along to the song as she poured over the contents of her book, allowing herself to become immersed in the crafted world.

Whether or not Lenora was cognitively aware enough, she was using this action as a distraction. Her family was coming to visit her at school today – but no...not really to visit her, but to see off Wednesday at her ninth school in five years. It utterly appalled Lenora how easily her little sister was able to get herself expelled from institutions. And although it didn't surprise her given Wednesday's peculiar nature, it was uncomfortable for her all the same.

It didn't help that Wednesday was accepted at Nevermore now, Lenora's safe haven which she ruled with utmost respect and admiration. And as much as the girl detested herself for thinking it, she wished Wednesday would study anywhere else.

The middle Addams child has a darkness in her. A darkness that Lenora never understood. It made her avoidant, unempathetic, and downright cruel at times. The girl would take revenge too far and never felt sorrow for the hurt she causes due to her actions.

If anything, Lenora didn't want that darkness at Nevermore. She already had to deal with Wednesday's suffocating nature at home so it was understandable to see why she  dislikes the thought of enduring it at school too.

It was Lenora's final semester at Nevermore so she wanted it to end on a good note, a satisfying free of Wednesday "the terror" note. But alas, the universe (and her parents) have other ideas. The eldest daughter didn't even mind if her sister attended the school after she graduated, she just didn't want to deal with Wednesday's behavior for the remainder of her boarding school career.

Perhaps that thought made Lenora a bad person. What kind of good big sister would prefer not to be around her little sister? What kind of horrible sister, daughter, and person is she?

The weight of her guilt fell heavy in Lenora's heart. She sighed deeply, allowing the smell of bergamot and sandalwood to permeate her senses from the lit incense on her desk. It was smoking lazily in the faint breeze from her out-turned window, spinning faint black debris into the air.

The intake of breath calmed her senses, allowing the poisonous thoughts wreaking havoc on her brain to settle down for a little while. It still didn't subside the burning guilt blistering in her soul, but at least her heart was thudding at an appropriate rate.

The girl quirked an eyebrow as she heard a quiet humming sound near her right ear. The insect continued to drone near Lenora's head and her obsidian eyes narrowed in concentration, her plum lips pursed as she stalked the fly in question.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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