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u: ..too many people are watching us.
y: then let's show them our best moves!

y: then let's show them our best moves!

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- dove, look!

h/c haired girl shouted while looking out of the window.

usagi quickly came to check what happened.

- is something wrong?

she asked and y/n told her to look out of the window.

usagi wrapped her arms around y/n waist and put her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.

- if it will continue to snow like that, perhaps tomorrow we will be able to build a snowman.

brown haired girl said while snuggling her head deeper into y/n's shoulder.

h/c haired girl giggled at her girlfriend's cuteness.

- yes maybe, but for now..

y/n turned around and grabbed usagi's hand.

then, she pulled her with her to the wardrobe, and took out two coats.

usagi looked at her questioningly.

- where are we going?

she asked confused.

y/n only smiled and winked.

- just trust me!

y/n said ignoring usagi's previous question.

brown haired girl only nodded and wore her coat.

when they were both ready, y/n pulled her girlfriend outside with her.

when they were finally outside, y/n took out her phone and turned on her favorite song.

then she turned back to her girlfriend and gave her a hand to grab.

- would you like to dance with me beautiful lady?

y/n asked and winked.

usagi's cheeks turned pink but she nodded her head and took y/n's hand in hers.

- how could i refuse?

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