"Well that was awkward"

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UNEDITED !! - I didn't have time to edit ! I'm so sorry for the late update, I'll start to update more regularly when summer come around! 3.5 more days!!

"Alexis! Chloe!" I heard my dad shout.
"Dad!" I dropped my luggage and ran over to him.
"Ugh Alexis!" I heard Chloe shout as she tried to catch up.
"Dad! I've missed you!" I said as he engulfed me into a hug.
"How has my baby girl been?"
"I've been pretty good, how have you been?" I let go of the hug to retrieve my stuff only to see that the blonde boy already grabbed it.
"I've been pretty good," my dad kissed my head and then started talking to Chloe.
"Wow, thanks for grabbing my stuff, what's your name?" I said as I grabbed my stuff from him accidentally touching his hand.
"My name is Niall, and you are Alexis, I'm guessing," he shook my hand as I realized he had an Irish accent.
"Yeah, um, random question but how do you know my dad and why are you here?" I tossed my phone into the waistband of my shorts and put my carry-on on my shoulders as we started walking to the car.
"He's my neighbor, he didn't know how much stuff you and your friend had, so he invited me, plus he wanted to talk to me about some of the scholarships I've been getting," Niall said as he grabbed my suitcase from me and walked it to the car.
"What kind of scholarships?"
"Futbol or soccer, I've been playing since I was about five," he said as we got to the car.
"That's cool, I've been a competitive tennis player since I was five, and I got a few scholarships for schools out here and for some schools down in Texas," I got into the car and sat in the middle with Niall on my right and Chloe on my left.
"Lex, Chlo, this is Niall and my girlfriend Kira," my dad said once we all got into the car.
"Hi Kira, I'm Alexis and that's Chloe," I shook her hand and continued talking to Niall.
"Wait, so you play tennis?" He asked as he faced me and looked me in the eyes with his crystal blue eyes.
"We both do," Chloe budded in after eavesdropping, and then continued talking to Kira.
"Yeah, we both do. We play doubles in a few tournaments and then singles in others," I took my hair out and let my blonde waves roll down my shoulders until it touched mid back.
"That's cool, I played tennis one year, but I realized soccer was my main sport," he took out his phone and showed me a picture of him playing tennis what looked like about a year ago.
"How long ago was that?"
"It was a year maybe a little less," he then showed me a picture of him playing soccer. "This was yesterday night at my club soccer match."
"Did you win?" I asked while I pulled out my phone to show him a picture.
"Yeah, a college scout was there watching me and my mate, Harry."
"That's cool, at my last tournament, a scout was there and he said he really wanted me to go, I think he was from UCLA, but I'm not positive," I pulled out my phone and looked for an email from the guy. "Yeah, he's from UCLA."
"That's cool, I'm going there for soccer," he took a breath and leaned his head against the window.
I laid my head against the seat and soon dozed into a deep sleep.
"Alexis, Niall, get up. We're here," I opened my eyes and saw my he's was resting on Niall's shoulder and his head was rested on my head.
"Oh, where are we?"
"We are at Kira's place then we are going to eat, Chloe has an outfit picked out for, so all you need to do is go change and then we'll go," he helped me out of the car.
"Okay," I shook Niall awake and we got out of the car.
I quickly changed into the high waisted shorts and crop top that Chloe picked out and I had Chloe braid my hair down my back.
We got to the seafood/outdoor restaurant and I sat next to Niall and across from Chloe.
"Hey Niall?"
"Can you get out so I can go use the restroom?"
"I have to go to so I'll just go while you go," he got out and then helped me out.
I got to the bathroom and did my business and went out and saw Niall waiting.
Niall interlocked our arms as he acted stupid walking back to the table. When Niall was acting stupid he picked me up bridal style and walked a but before my phone fell out of my pocket.
"Shit! Niall! My phone fell out," I was trying to get down, but Niall just tightened his grip on me.
"Wrap your legs around me."
I did what I was told and he leaned over and picked up my phone while carrying me with one arm. He finally let go of me and I fixed my shorts and my hair
"Excuse me miss?" I turned around to see a little old lady standing there.
"Yes m'am?"
"You and your boyfriend over here are just the cutest thing, you two remind me of me and my husband when we were dating at age 17, it was an amazing time. I hope you two make it like us, goodbye," she waddled away as I tried to tell her that we are not a couple. Niall and I walked back to the table in complete silence.
"What happened?" All three heads asked us when we returned.
"That," Niall paused. "Well That was awkward."


(a/n- hey !! I have final exams all week so I'm pretty sure I will not be able to post and I'm going to start posting weekly starting next week because I'm sick of not updating!

all the love - Jenna

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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