Chapter 46

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In the Slayer's original dimension on the planet, Earth, humanity was starting to recover from the invasion of Hell thanks to the efforts of the Doom Slayer who stopped the Icon of Sin and the Khan Maykr from eliminating humanity. The Armored Response Coalition (ARC), which acted as the first line of defense against the demons, is left broken and scattered with the majority of their remaining forces stationed on the ARC carrier which traverses the oceans of Earth without drawing the attention of any demons. This large carrier was a massive station that was several times larger than an aircraft carrier. It was their current base of operations due to the demons destroying their previous ones.

On-board the ARC carrier, inside the large deck of the ship providing a view to the outside world, sat a young intern at ARC who donned a simple pair of glasses and had buzz-cut hair. He wore a standard green and black uniform issued to ARC employees. He was surrounded by his superiors who were currently keeping tabs on demonic activity across the planet and searching for the Doom Slayer who has been missing for quite some time now. No one knows what happened to him after the awakening of the Dark Lord. The Intern had worked closely with the Slayer for a brief period of time as he helped the Hellwalker retrieve the Dark Lord's essence and awaken him so he felt partially responsible for the disappearance of humanity's greatest hope.

The Intern was barked at by his superiors for not focusing on his duties, this made the young man realize he had zoned out as he apologized for his incompetence. He returned his attention back towards his computer screen and began shifting through several screens, each displaying various things: recent demonic activity, ARC unit deployments, ARC carrier trajectory, etc. The young man stopped once a blinking blue light next to the monitor of his computer began flashing repeatedly. The Intern raised his eyebrows in surprise as he quickly changed his screen to see what the issue was. It was a friendly beacon signal coming from an unknown part of the galaxy… wait… was it even in their galaxy?

The Intern called out to his superiors to indicate the strange occurrence on his screen. The older men gathered around the man, wearing similar attire and glasses, as they leaned towards the screen to study it. The older men couldn't understand how an ARC signal was being transmitted from an unknown part of their galaxy or if it was even there to begin with. Strange occurrences such as this aren't normal by any standard… but they are when the Doom Slayer is involved. This had to be it! This had to be the Doom Slayer requesting help. The Intern presented his idea towards his superiors who looked at him skeptically. The young man elaborated, "Who else but the Doom Slayer would know our signal and be in an unknown system? He's been missing for several months so this could explain where he's been all this time!"

One of his superiors caressed his chin as he explained, "You make a valid point but this could also be a trap as well. We must be prepared for the worst. Make preparations for a portal, we're going to see who's sending that signal and how they got there."






It was in the middle of the night in 1900s japan, the Slayer stood outside the Butterfly Mansion with the beacon setup next to him as it was powered by Xernex's power core. The Slayer had Xernex's argent axe hanging around his waist while he held his cherished Super Shotgun in his hands. He had been separated from his favorite toy for far too long. Thankfully, Xernex didn't damage it which was a relief for the Slayer. The warrior had been waiting outside for several minutes and nothing had happened. Granted, he wasn't sure what he was going to get in the first place. He is trying to send a signal to a different dimension, the fact that he was able to get any of this to work was a miracle in its own right. For all he knows, it may take days or even months for a signal to reach someone and potentially longer for whoever receives it to actually respond. The Slayer had to be ready just in-case he received a swift response so he had taken all of his belongings with him, that being the argent axe and his super shotgun. He didn't want to go through the trouble of saying goodbye to anyone there, the only person he legitimately cared about would be Tanjiro and he didn't want to see the boy's face crumble into tears once he left. He's not in the mood to be dealing with an emotional teenager, he'd rather get out of here quickly and get things over with back in his dimension.

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